Saturday, August 31, 2019
Religion and Human Experience Essay
Hinduism can be traced back to ancient Aryan civilizations about four thousand years ago and is based on polytheism with various forms of rituals. Upanishads are documented texts which came about after probing the religion and finding ways of attaining spiritual insight from within and for life in general. Brahman is one who sees the divine as being one in all aspects and the Atman which is the soul reflects the oneness amidst diversity and reveals the Brahman in his true self. Maya on the other hand camouflages the truth of unity in mythical and magical shroud. Karma which is related to rebirth is stressed while Moksha is seen as freedom from and beyond all human aspects. The Bhagvad Gita brings out the practical elements of the religion in everyday life through four paths which can be practised together or separately to achieve spiritual satisfaction. The Hindu religion revolves around temples, rituals, polytheism and numerous festivals. Though many may worship a particular god or goddess they believe in all gods as being one in different forms. Priests and gurus are revered and looked up to as spiritual leaders. Animals are given importance as they are believed to be in the image of god this reflects in several gods having animal features. Symbolism is the basis brought out through art and sculpture. This rich culture of India has appealed to many around the world especially the yoga and meditations which have influenced people from every background. Religion and Human Experience 4 Jainism This religion is as ancient as Buddhism with Mahavir as the central figure and whose teachings are similar to Buddha, preaching abstinence and meditation to attain peace and ultimate freedom. This religion does not believe in god’s creation or being blessed by a Divinity, instead they believe in an everlasting universe full of life and pain as in humans. Though humans are considered special and can attain spirituality through compassion and knowledge of the inner self. The basic of Jainism is Ahimsa of which non violence is the most important followed by other virtues. Like most religions Jains honour 24 saints otherwise known as Tirthankaras who are looked up to and followed for their great accomplishments. Purification is part of being a Jain and life is considered a step in the path to eternal liberation from the human body through a life of good virtue and selflessness. Jainism teaches that to gain spiritual fulfilment one has to follow the path of strict non violence. It has five branches Digambaras, Shvetambaras, Sthanakavasis and Terapanthis. Sikhism This is a fifteenth century Indian religion with a background of Hindu Muslim conflict. The founder is Guru Nanak who believed in monotheism and oneness of God. He professed that even though there may be many forms and perception God is one whom he called â€Å"True name â€Å". His teaching was that God had no image and that he was beyond human insight while being the ultimate source of love, wisdom and righteousness. He taught social Religion and Human Experience 5 conscientiousness as part of the religion and the Sikh temples which are called Gurudwaras were open to all. The Sikhs follow and honor ten gurus, the first of whom was Nanak and the last being Gobind Singh who is the permanent guru and is said to have the soul of Nanak himself. Guru Gobind Singh was the founder of the military group called the Khalsa which followed five basic practices religiously. Today these five practices is what distinguishes the Sikhs from the rest, these include uncut hair and beard, Kangha a wooden comb, Kirpan which is a sword, Kachhera the under short which represents the readiness for battle at all times and Kara which is a steel wrist band representing the unity of Sikhs. This community stands out for its independence and strong unity which is their strength. Adi Granth is the holy book of the Sikhs and has verses and hymns written by the gurus themselves. This community has several festivals marking important events in the history of the Sikh religion. Religion and Human Experience 6 References Molloy Michael. 2008. Experiencing the World’s Religions, 4th Edition. Retrieved on June 7th, 2009 from: http://highered. mcgraw-hill. com/sites/0073535648/student_view0/
Chocolate Pursuasive
Eating chocolate is one of my favorite past times. Just sitting anywhere and eating M&M's makes my life more enjoyable and I believe that It can have the same effect for everyone else. Thesis: Chocolate offers to the world physical and emotional benefits, as long as moderation is observed. Transition: Eating chocolate benefits your health, it has flavors, and it helps people emotionally 1.Chocolate has health benefits. A. Antioxidant . Cleveland Clan states, â€Å"Antioxidants help reduce damage done by free radicals that are formed by normal bodily processes†. 2. Free radicals (unstable oxygen from creation of TAP) causing damage: aging. 3. Stronger than Volt C and E (as AAA) Transition: B. Flavor 1 . Lowers blood pressure, which improves blood flow 2. Helps lower cholesterol 3. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease C. Benefits for the brain and heart 1 .The New York Times reports that In a study conducted In Barcelona, Spain on he benefits of chocolate skim milk over regula r skim milk, â€Å"participant had significantly higher levels of good HAD cholesterol. †Internal Summary: The health benefits of chocolate are also complimented by its well known emotional effects. D. Emotional benefits a. Comfort food l. Health. Com â€Å"contains atrophy -> serotonin, which helps elevate mood and Is major player In anti-depressants. †II. Releases endorphins, feeling of happy b.Study by Journal Appetite (1996) ii. Women asked to eat choc bar and rate one hour later ;v. Although felt guilt Tort ten calories, conclude women Tell netter rater eating conflate. Conclusion: Chocolate is a great benefactor if given the chance. Its health and emotional benefits can clearly boost the life of an individual. Last Thought: give chocolate a chance. It's sweet and most importantly its still a vegetable. As your guide I hope you do eat some chocolate after this, but take care not to overeat.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Tips for Pam and Sue
Multiple Regression Project The is the only deliverable in Week Four. It is the case study titled â€Å"Locating New Pam and Susan’s Stores,†described at the end of Chapter 12 of your textbook. The case involves the decision to locate a new store at one of two candidate sites. The decision will be based on estimates of sales potential, and for this purpose, you will need to develop a multiple regression model to predict sales. Specific case questions are given in the textbook, and the necessary data is in the file named pamsue. ls. Assuming that you are reasonably comfortable with using Excel and its Analysis ToolPak add-in, you should expect to spend approximately 2-3 hours on computer work, and another 3-4 hours on writing the report. It is a good idea not to wait until the last day to do the entire project and write the report. Content of the report consists of your answers to the case questions, plus computer output(s) to support your answers. Please keep the entir e report – including computer outputs – under 8 printed pages.Thus, your write up should be concise, and you need to be selective in deciding which computer outputs to include. You can use your discretion in formatting your write up, but use good writing practices and try to make it look professional (more on the report format below). Project Hints and Guidelines It is assumed that you have access to 1. Microsoft Excel with Analysis ToolPak (do NOT use stepwise regression for this project even if it runs on your computer). 2. Data file named pamsue. xls in the DataSets. zip folder.Basic Excel skills you need are the ability to construct histograms and scatterplots, to create dummy variables, copying or moving columns of data in a spreadsheet, and the ability to use the Correlation and Regression facilities under Data Analysis (available when Analysis ToolPak has been added in). Remember that Analysis ToolPak requires contiguous ranges of data for correlation or regress ion. 1. Open the file pamsue. xls. First, move the column for sales so that it is the rightmost column (it is now to the right of comtype).If the old sales column remains but appears empty, delete that column. 2. Obtain a scatterplot of the sales on the vertical axis against comtype on the horizontal axis. This will give you a good idea of whether different categories of comtype appear to differ in sales. In the scatterplot, you should see that sales in the middle categories 3 – 6 are in similar ranges on the vertical axis, but 1 and 2 have somewhat higher sales, and category 7 appears to have somewhat lower sales.This implies that, when you create dummy variables for comtype, dummy variables for categories 1, 2, 7 are likely to be statistically significant in the multiple regression model (and dummy variables for categories 3 – 6 are likely to be not significant). Although it would be desirable to also obtain the scatterplot of sales against every other X variable, yo u can omit these if you do not have time, and use the correlation coefficients instead (see step 4 below). 3. Insert seven new columns immediately to the left of comtype, and in these columns, create seven dummy variables to represent the seven categories of site types.Name them comtype1, comtype2, †¦ , comtype7. At this point, you have 40 columns of data in the spreadsheet with comtype and sales in the last two columns. 4. Use the Correlation facility under Data Analysis to obtain the correlation coefficients between sales and all of the other variables except store and comtype (why exclude comtype? ). This will produce a matrix of correlation coefficients between sales and every X variable, as well as between every pair of X variables. To make them easy to read, you may want to format the cells to show numbers with 2 or 3 decimal places. . Write down the names of 10 quantitative X variables having the highest correlations with sales. From the correlations worksheet, move to t he data worksheet. Select the following columns: sales, plus the 10 quantitative X variables you wrote down, plus comtype1, comptype2, comptype7 (here, you could include up to three more dummy variables, but they are likely to be statistically not significant, so you can save some work – see 2. above). Copy these onto a blank worksheet. Make sure there are no blank columns in within the data range in the new worksheet.Note: To prevent unexpected changes in copying data when formulas are involved, use Paste Special with Values selected when pasting data into a new worksheet. 6. Use Regression under Data Analysis to obtain the regression output table for sales using the variables in the columns you had selected, making sure that Labels and New Worksheet Ply checkboxes are checked, and leave the other boxes unchecked. On the name tab of the output sheet (at the bottom), change the name of the worksheet to Model1. 7. Using appropriate statistics in the regression output table, se e if any of the X variables is statistically not significant.If there is at least one insignificant X variable, write down the most insignificant variable, move to the data sheet and delete that column, and re-run Regression without that variable. Repeat until there are no insignificant X variables. Name each output sheet Model2, Model3, and so on for easy identification. 8. When you get to a model in which all remaining X variables are statistically significant, you will have found the final regression equation for predicting sales. Re-run the last model, but this time checking the Residuals checkbox.This will reproduce the last regression table, but below it, you will see columns for Predicted sales and Residuals. Obtain a scatterplot of Residuals against Predicted sales. Also obtain a histogram of Residuals. 9. Use the final regression equation you found in the last step to predict sales at the two sites under consideration. You have just completed all necessary computer work for your project report. Now you have to write a report to present your answers to the case questions (see pages 388-389 of your textbook), and the reasons for those answers.In terms of physical organization, a reasonable format for the report is described below. Content and Format of the Project Report Cover page Include the report title, your name, course, section, facilitator, and date. Go to a new page, and use the following subsection headings for the report. Introduction One paragraph (two at most) describing the subject and context of the project. Data One or two paragraphs describing the data in plain English (number of variables, number of observations, units for data values, etc. ) Results and Discussion This is the main body of the report.It is where you will describe what you have done, what you found, and answer the case questions with the reasons for your answers. These reasons should be based on the analytical work you have done using Excel. Depending on how concisely yo u write and how many tables and graphs you include, this page could be 3-4 pages long. Conclusion One or two paragraphs discussing any remaining issues (e. g. shortcomings and possible improvements of the analyses in the report). In the Results and Discussion section, you should include a few informative tables or graphs derived from your computer analyses.DO NOT include anything that is not absolutely necessary. DO NOT include entire worksheets form Excel, but only the parts you need. For example, do not include the entire correlation matrix found in step 4 above, but you can make a small table to show the 10 variables having the highest correlations with sales. You should include the scatterplot of sales against comtype, relevant portion of the final regression output table, the final regression equation, and the two residual graphs you obtained in step 8. Please keep the total length of the report under 8 printed pages (5 to 6 pages should be sufficient in most cases).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A memo discussing an issue at work from the perspective of an employee Assignment
A memo discussing an issue at work from the perspective of an employee - Assignment Example The title of â€Å"Operations Manager†seemed to assure me that by joining this company, I would make a nice addition to my existing experience of management, that would be both beneficial for me in my professional career, as well as for the company I join. I thought that being a Senior Operations Manager, I assumed a responsibility to identify the loopholes in the current framework and culture of this company, and devise and implement ways through which they could be precluded. In order to materialize my plans, I first studied the culture of this company, and identified the stakeholders in addition to studying the contract, bill of quantities and all other documents. I also had discussions with employees from various departments in order to study issues that they had that had a significant role in hindering the progress of work. One thing that I particularly found out as a result of this survey and study was that this company lacks flow of communication between individual fun ctional departments. The lack of communication gives rise to lack of awareness. This in turn, causes disparity in the knowledge about status of work between different departments that are fundamentally involved in the operations. The disparity of knowledge results in lack of preparation for the on-going works in the departments. For example, last Monday, I expected the Administration Department to have set a car ready for me and the Consultant so that we could visit the site and I could get the approval of withheld payment against Non Conformance Reports (NCRs). I had indicated the Administration Department about the same one day in advance through a notification memo. However, when the time came, there was no car, and the Administration Manager said that he expected the NCR visit to be due on the following Monday. I had to face embarrassment in front of the Consultant and also, the payments that could have been released last Monday might take another month to be considered for rele ase now. Also, I often experience great difficulty in drawing cash from the Finance Department, as they tend to do a lot of paper work before considering the release of payment, and even after that, feel reluctant to give me the cash. This causes delay in the flow of operations and as a result, progress of the work lags behind schedule. This fundamentally happened so because no one in the company assumes the ultimate responsibility to keep the departments notified. Even if some one takes the charge, the departments would not listen because they would not acknowledge the superiority of any one department over others. In my view, the Senior Operations Manager should have extreme power and rights over other departments because he assumes a central role in the flow of work. But it seems like the functional organization structure is too strong in this company and the functional departments would not listen to my instructions or notifications unless you declare the superiority of Operatio ns Department. Therefore, I request you to arrange a meeting in which you openly declare that all departments are to abide by the instructions of the Senior Operations Manager. The way things are running presently does not let me exercise my abilities as a manager. As a result of which, both the company and I are suffering. Memo 2 To: The Employee From: The Manager Date: 26 January 2011 Subject: Re (Notification of a problem) I am
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Its My Job Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Its My Job - Assignment Example t restore the employee to the same position upon return to work, on condition that if the position is no longer available, the returning worker will be given a new position with a substantially the same benefits, pay, and responsibilities. Jean did her best to compromise by giving Betty a part-time position (presumably commensurate with her previous position) as long as it is permanent position also and not a temporary job. This is also in view of Bettys previous request to work only on the days when her husband is available and be at home to care for the new baby. The exigencies of the service required a full-time employee (Joanne) be put in place of Bettys old position as it is an important job function at the hospital (Kilpatrick & Johnson, 1999, p. 56) 3. The responsibilities of the hospital administrator include ensuring hospital operations are efficient and not disrupted due to absences of personnel (whether on leave or not) and to comply with pertinent labor laws (Bernstein, 2004, p. 330). The department director (who is Jeans supervisor) should make sure all employees are familiar with FMLA and its
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
ASTRONAUTICS & SPACE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ASTRONAUTICS & SPACE - Essay Example The purpose of ISS includes functions like investigating affect of weightlessness on biological species, including crew members, over a period. In addition it will also study crystal growth in space. (Oberg, 2005). NASA had originally scheduled participating in ISS program until 2015, but with loss of STS-107, President Bush declared that the shuttle would be retired by 2010, which meant no support service for ISS. Hence, its plans for last module launch, as well as, de-orbiting procedures are not yet clear.(Catchpole: The international Space Station) These rovers have greater mobility than 1997 pathfinders. While each rover can trek up-to 100 meters, across the red surface on one Martian day, it could carry sophisticated instruments that can help in discovery of water on Mars. The landing procedure for both rovers and pathfinders are almost identical. (Mars Exploration Rovers). However, the landed portion of rovers has different design that allows carrying all instruments with rover. Pathfinders carried instruments on Lander and a small sojourner rover. Rovers are able to take color and infra-red images with 360 degree visibility. Possibility of presence of water on Martian surface has been the major discovery of the Mars Exploration Rover mission.(Mars Rovers Most Amazing Discoveries) Catchpole John, â€Å"The international space station: building for the future†, book,: Retrieved on 8th Dec 2010 from:
Monday, August 26, 2019
Microeconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Microeconomics - Term Paper Example onsumption of services and goods by a consumer, the theory is an attempt to measure the general satisfaction a consumer derives from the consumption of a good, the utility theory also states the law of diminishing marginal utility, this concept states that as the number of units consumed by a consumer increase then the marginal utility level keeps on dropping until it reaches zero. For example the utility gained by consuming the first unit of a good or service is higher than the utility gained from the consumption of the second unit, this shows that as we increase the number of units we consumed the utility level keeps on declining. From the chart above it is evident that the consumption of more units of a good will increase the level of utility, however marginal utility declines as the number of units increase, the above diagram shows the total utility curve and the marginal utility curve, the point labeled 0 is the optimal point of consumption for a consumer whereby a consumer should consume to this point where the marginal utility value is equal to zero. For a rational consumer the optimal consumption of a good wil also be determined by the cost of price of goods and services and also their income, if we assume that a cionsumer consume two goods with different utility levels and that his income is 200 dollars, also assume that we have good A which costs 20 dollars and good b which costs 10 dollars then we can formulate a budget line by determining the maximum number of goods a consumer will consume, for good A the maximum number of units the consumer can purchase is 200/20 = 10 for good B the maximum number of units the consumer can purchase is 200/10 = 20, therefore we derive the budget line as follows: The chart shows the indifference curve, the higher the indifference curve the higher the level of utility derived and the lower the indifference curve the lower the level of utility derived. From our above example we determine the optimal level of consumption
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Hrm issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Hrm issues - Essay Example Therefore, even though hiring such people might be more expensive for the company, the business will win in the long run since a team of professionals in their function is more likely to help in avoiding compensation payments following tribunal decisions than promoted and untrained people from within the company. As the working team is created it is the time to start the design of a strategic business development plan, which would address such issues as resourcing, training and rewarding employees. However, all these functions should be incorporated into a larger-scale plan for developing and maintaining such aspects of business behaviour as leadership, performance management and organizational culture, among others. The most immediate issues to solve are related to employees’ resourcing, training and reward systems. Resourcing System Armstrong (2000) outlines that among the major objectives of employee resourcing strategy are finding and hiring employees with the needed skill s, knowledge and training potential. These initial requirements to the choice of potential employees are, then, to become the basis for further development and motivation of the staff. However, since most of the company’s employees are unskilled, part- time or agency workers, it is worth to pay more attention to the attitudinal and behavioural characteristics of the potential employees (Townley, 1989). The employees should not view the company as a temporary place to work at. On the contrary, the organization should be perceived as a stable and developing company that provides a good long-term employment opportunity. To become such, the company has to modify its resourcing system. In the first place it is suggested to minimize the number of part-time and agency workers and use their services on an as needed basis. Though employing part-time employees provides higher levels of scheduling flexibility and reduces the wage and benefit costs (Conway and Briner, 2002), using their service should be limited to the busiest periods of business operations. This suggestion can be justified by the fact that, according the research conducted by Conway and Briner (2002), part-time employees have lower commitment, trust and loyalty levels in comparison to those of full-time employees. Therefore, employing people on a full-time basis will help, in the long run, to shape such, directly related to performance, aspects of employees’ behaviour as job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour, loyalty and, therefore, efficiency. Furthermore, full-time employment will help people to develop organizational commitment and trust and, as a result, will reduce turnover. At the same time, effectively designed training and rewards systems are the other elements of business operations that are to have a significant impact on the reduction of turnover. Another important aspect to deal with is hiring supervisors to manage the work of the production staff. Currently the production director of the company chooses and draws supervisors from the production st
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Chronic Conditions Prevention and Management Essay
Chronic Conditions Prevention and Management - Essay Example There are myriad pathogenic processes that are involved in the development of the disease. These processes range from destruction of the ÃŽ ²-cells of pancreas, which is an autoimmune process, with concurrent deficiency of insulin to different abnormalities that leads to the resistance to insulin action. The underlying factor of the abnormalities in protein, fat and carbohydrates metabolism in diabetes disease is as a result of reduced insulin action on target tissues. Studies have shown that insulin secretion impairment, as well as the defect in insulin action, often coexists in one patient but it is not clear which abnormality is usually the primary cause of the elevated blood sugars (American Diabetes Association, 2011). Diabetes causes substantial morbidity and mortality in Australia and the estimates of diabetes prevalence provide stakeholders to plan and allocate enough funds for health services. Therefore, the continuous availability of data on the prevalence of diabetes in Australia is significant for disease monitoring, planning, identifying the population at risk, providing services for people and developing an effective preventive strategies (Shaw & Tanamas, 2012). It is approximated that one million Australians are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and the prevalence increases with age, which is noted to be higher in male gender (4.9%) than in female gender (3.8%). In addition, the prevalence is high in the northern part of Australia (10.6%) and lowest in the Central part of Australia (3.0%). The disease has been noted to have an onset at childhood in several cases. A report issued by an Australian Institute of health showed that 0.3% of Australians aged below 35 years were diagnosed with diabetes as compared to 16% of Australians aged above 65 years.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Germany 1933-1945 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Germany 1933-1945 - Essay Example Out of this development, Hitler eventually came to power in 1933 and provided the resources for his own ambitions. From this year until 1938, his government would be preoccupied with anti-Jewish policies and legislations. The so-called â€Å"Jewish question†has been the obsession of the Fuhrer and would remain up to the last moments of his life. As he took the reins of power, Hitler was able to immediately launch a genocidal policy against the Jews. This went unopposed in Germany throughout Hitler’s regime because his philosophy based on volkisch and biological racism was what united Germany under one banner and community. It empowered the state to pursue its aggression and European expansion. The war against the Jews eventually evolved into a multi-dimensional, considered process that embraced different tactics and distinct phases of driving the Jews out of the country, which finally involved the occupation of Europe, as countries refused to accept them as refugees. (Landau, p. 117) From a legal war of attrition against the Jews, it would escalate into a full scale global military conflict lasting from 1939 to
Job search project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Job search project - Assignment Example In addition, the work will present an in-depth study of the present shortage and the reasons behind. Environmental health specialists are professional health workers mandated to ensure safe and healthy condition within residential, commercial, industrial and even recreations settings. These professionals also carry the name environmental health or safety inspector. Their primary duty involves checking the presence of any health hazards and making proper plans to sort out the problems. Majority of environmental safety inspectors are found working in government institutions that monitor federal, state and even local safety and environmental policies. This takes in such duties as monitoring factories and plants for industrial wastes or any other pollution; inspecting hotels for cleanliness; and inspecting day cares institutions, schools and nursing homes to find if there is any heath hazards that may include lead paint or radon. In addition, environmental safety inspectors also check ho w hospitals deal with biological waste while at the same time ensure recreational facilities such as swimming pools are in good condition to be used by the public(NEHA). State employed environmental safety inspectors issue certificates and permits, which qualify that a certain recreational facility, place of business or residence has met the required safety and health standards to begin its operation. On the other hand private environmental health inspectors found working in private companies serve to keep the firms facilities within the standards prescribe by the government. Here, they ensure that environmental health specialists send from the government do not any violations of the set policies. In many cases, the environmental health inspector job requires that one possesses a minimum qualification of a bachelor’s degree in environmental science. Addition qualification in any course related to biology, chemistry, physical science, public health and environmental engineerin g is of great significant. Individuals intending to work with government agencies need to undertake a certification offered by the concerned federal, state or local institution. Such is the case that many states have set up a licensing board to examine possible candidates who are then granted certification after going through the process successfully. In this case, the certification granted depends much on the nature of the concerned facilities. Certification is also possible through the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). In addition to the academic qualifications, a competent environmental health inspector should demonstrate certain skills deemed vital for this profession. First, he/she should display strong employee relation and good interpersonal skills. This will help one relates with other stakeholders in this field without much difficulties. Secondly, a professional in this field needs to have good skills in both verbal and written communication. Such is the cas e that this job will require proper record keeping and at the same time good presentation of the findings. Other important skills required are problem solving, analytical and organizational that will help in accomplishing the task given easily and more effectively (NEHA). Lastly, an environmental hea
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Levels of Life Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Levels of Life Worksheet Essay Complete all three parts of this worksheet. Part I: Atomic Structure – Fill in the missing information on atomic structure and organic compounds. Atomic Structure Subatomic Particle Charge Location in an Atom Proton Positive Nucleus Neutron Neutral Nucleus Electron Negative Spherical (outer-shell) Organic Compounds Large Biological Molecule Atoms it Contains Monomer(s) Function(s) in Living Organisms Carbohydrates C, H, and O Monosaccharides Source of energy Lipid C, H, and O Glycerol and fatty acids Cushion and insulate organs; builds cell membranes Protein C, H, O, N, and S Amino Acids Helps chemical reactions, provides support and structure, provides transport within bodies and provides movement of body Nucleic acids C, H, O, N, and P Necleotides Stores and transmits genetic information Part II: Characteristics of Living Organisms – Seven characteristics distinguish an object or thing from an actual living organism. All seven characteristics must be present simultaneously for something to be considered living. Fill in the remaining characteristics in the following table. Characteristics of a Living Organism 1. Order – exhibit complex but ordered organization. 2. Regulation- the environment outside of an organism can change but the organism is able to internally adjust to maintain or regulate appropriate levels for survival 3. Growth and development- the information provided by genetics which determines the growth and development patterns of an organism. 4. Energy utilization- the energy an organism takes in to use in preforming life activities. 5. Response to the environment- the response of a living organism to its environment. 6. Reproduction. Organisms reproduce their own kind. 7. Evolution. Reproduction underlies the capacity of populations to change (evolve) over time. Part III: Write a 200- to 300-word explanation of how atoms make up organic compounds, which make up all living organisms, addressing all three domains. According to Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, (2010) how atoms make up organic compounds, which make up all living organisms, by addressing all three domains, are that atoms unite with carbon elements. For an example the elements could be hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. These three elements bond with atoms, and create carbon and hydrogen atoms. Then the three elements then become a linked chain, the chain produces three domains that the body and all living organisms need to function. They are considered as large biological molecules. Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids are the three domains of the atom chain. The small molecules are what link the large biological molecules together. Carbohydrates are created by carbon, oxygen, hydrogen linking together which form polysaccharides. The chain is called a polymer, which is a small molecule. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen unite and form amino acids. The Amino acids then produce proteins. Also when carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen unite combined with sugars it becomes nucleotide molecule. The nucleotide molecule then produces DNA and RNA. Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen united together then form fatty acids. The fatty acids produce glycerol, and this is how lipids are formed. All three domains of that create an atom are living organisms that bond with each other to create organic compounds that produce the chains that release the carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids. All three of these basic atoms are needed to grow food, and digest food that make up all living organisms including humans, animals, and natural gases. Reference Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, and Jean L. Dickey. (2010). Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology,. Retrieved from Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, and Jean L. Dickey, SCI/230 website.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Development of Tennis as a Leisure Activity
Development of Tennis as a Leisure Activity The development and significance of tennis as a Leisure Activity (Mainly in the UK) 1. The History and Development of tennis. (Mainly in the UK) According to The Cliff Richard Tennis Development Fund 2000, tennis is a world-class competitive sport captivating millions of players and fans all round the world. It was in France that the game tennis as we know it today really came into being. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries it became the highly fashionable sport of kings and noblemen a far cry from being played by the lower classes. The development fund 2000 describes how real tennis was actually very different to the game that we know today. The game was played indoors, in large galleries with jutting roofs and points were won according to how the ball was played off of the gallery walls, rather like squash. This concept is very different to todays Lawn Tennis, where the rectangular court is laid out on a grass surface and the play is within marked boundaries, not off of the walls. After its initial rise in popularity with the French nobility, tennis spread throughout Europe, becoming particularly popular in England. To day, Wimbledon and the UK are associated with lawn tennis. Cliff Richard’s Development fund describes how the changes in tennis have taken place over the years and how the shift has moved tennis from being associated with the upper classes to a sport which is played at all different levels and at every level of the social classes. During the 19th century when Victorian prosperity in England prompted a significant revival, courts were built in many famous country houses and the first tennis clubs providing facilities for members began to appear. The biggest boost for tennis however came in 1875. As said by the development Fund 2000, The All England Croquet Club, which had formed in 1869 had failed to attract enough visitors and in 1875 they decided to offer Lawn Tennis as an added attraction. The new game was an instant success, so much so that in 1877 the name of the club was changed to the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club. This highlights that the popularity of tennis has been growing for many decades thus gives us a good ind ication that it will continue to prosper. The Wimbledon Championship has been one of the most significant developments in the history of tennis. This event alone has contributed to a huge numbers of followers and participants throughout the UK and illustrates the development of tennis as we know it today. In the 1930s the game became highly fashionable in the UK, led by British stars such as Fred Perry and Don Budge and International Champions such as Henri Lacoste. Then, into the 1990s the championships became more popular than ever particularly as Great Britains hopes for a champion became rekindled with the likes of Greg Rusedski and Tim Henman. Now, entering 2006 we are witnessing the rise of young Andrew Murray who is taking the tennis circuit by storm and he will hopefully encourage and boost tennis numbers within the UK. The Lawn Tennis Association has outlined a number of ways in which it has attempted to translate the enthusiasm generated by the Wimbledon Championships each year into lasting benefits and continually develop tennis on a yearly basis. Some examples include; the sponsored campaign, ‘Play Tennis’, which is an initiative that offered free tennis lessons with the Lawn Tennis Association coaches in April and May 2004. The Lawn Tennis Association confirms that in 2004, 8,000 Londoners participated in the scheme and as a result around a third joined their local tennis clubs after playing. This highlights the significance of tennis within the UK and that the sport is held in high esteem. Perhaps now it is important to expand its target market and appeal to different socio-economic groups. Further, the Lawn Tennis Association launched an Ariel Tennis Ace campaign which was a ‘talent search’ for young players, the winner of which received coaching with John McEnroe du ring the Wimbledon Championships. It is important to note that tennis is such a significant sport within the UK that such competitions are respected and widely sought after. Other ways in which the Lawn Tennis Association has developed and increased the popularity in the UK include the introduction of a Tennis Show which has been running since April 2004 which was linked in with the Fitness Show and offered free coaching, access to clubs and information. Further, in order to establish a larger ratio of children who play tennis the organisation pioneered the Wimbledon Kid’s Zone; whilst the Championships were taking place, a children’s area is established to introduce children to tennis. Approximately 6,000 children attended in 2004 and lastly, ‘The Road to Wimbledon’ initiative was set up for young players to lure them into tennis and encourage promising young talent which will help boost tennis numbers. The incentive to entering this competition was that the winners were given the opportunity to play at Wimbledon in August. Nowadays, sporting events tend to be sponsored by major companies in order to generate more money. Last year, American Express sponsored a five-day event next to Tower Bridge with larges screens televising Wimbledon matches, tennis training and held a celebrity tennis night which raised money for the Sport Relief Charity. The Lawn Tennis Association supports any private sponsorship for these free public events because it helps develop the sport. Moreover, it is obvious that much is being done to develop tennis within the UK because Sport England has launched a website – this Internet site has produced a list of facilities for all sports, including the locations of every tennis court in London. Sport England believes that the site’s usefulness could be enhanced if it keeps records of the condition of facilities to ensure the courts upkeep and increase the number of tennis players in the UK. The Lawn Tennis Association believes that currently a third of local authority tennis courts are in a state of disrepair, this information needs to be passed onto the local authorities to be addressed, otherwise tennis could cease to play a significant sporting role in the UK. Also, if information of facility conditions is recorded it will provide a more realistic picture of sports resources in London and may serve as a prompt to local authorities to improve their local facilities. 2. The Organisation of tennis. The Lawn Tennis Association’s work and investment is based around three main priority areas, theses include tennis clubs, junior players and performance. The organisation has been trying to make British tennis more inclusive and available to a wide number for many years. The reasons for targeting the different areas and widening their target market are to attract more and better players. Nowadays, the Lawn Tennis Association is focusing on how and where tennis is played and organised in the UK. The reason for this is to establish where the best facilities are and to improve the areas which are in disrepair. In order to better organise tennis within the UK, the Lawn Tennis Association has introduced an initiative called ‘Club Vision’ which aims to provide progressive clubs with greater support and resources at both a national and county level and to ensure that clubs can play a greater part in making the UK into a stronger tennis nation and make it as popular and g enerate a following as great as that of football. ‘Club Vision’ is described by the Lawn Tennis Association as being a multi-million pound investment programme that puts clubs at the heart of British Tennis and also supports public pay and play indoor tennis centres, schools and local authority venues. The Lawn Tennis Association joined forces with the Sports Council and the All England Lawn Tennis Club in 1986 to launch the Indoor Tennis Initiative designed to develop indoor tennis centres around Britain. The main benefit of ‘Club Vision’ is that it is able to help any club throughout the UK regardless of size and therefore as facilities are better they can promote and attempt to attract many people. This shows that tennis is becoming more organised in the UK perhaps as a result of the increased availability of courts, the affordability of equipment and the increased media interest and coverage of tennis tournaments and championships. According to Sport England, the London Assembly’s Culture Sport and Tourism Committee met with them and the Lawn Tennis Association to discuss tennis in London in 2004. The aim of the meeting was to establish how the Wimbledon Championship could propel and promote tennis within London and the rest of the UK. Further, the bodies discussed and considered ease of access to tennis courts in London and deliberated over club organization and costs of using publicly owned tennis courts. Throughout the talks, certain projects were discussed which encourage young people to get involved in tennis (such as the Westway Tennis centre), and further they examined how the Mayor, Sport England and the Lawn Tennis Association could encourage more Londoners to pick up a racquet. There is more incentive for people to take up tennis due to the 2,600 tennis clubs which have affiliated with the Lawn Tennis Association via their local county office. The development and introduction of so many clubs h ighlights the improvement of tennis as a leisure activity. Currently, the Lawn Tennis Association estimates are that two-thirds of local authority courts nationally are in a state of disrepair and nevertheless the cost of hiring local authority courts stands between  £2- £6 per hour for adults. Most tennis activities are run through such organisations as the Lawn Tennis Association and All England Tennis Club. As a result of theses clubs it is possible for people to enquire as to their nearest club or courts and increase the probability of people playing tennis as knowledge is more readily available. 3. The Social Structure of Participation. In my opinion tennis has always been classified as a rich mans sport. This might be due to the fact that when tennis originated it was played by the Kings, Queens and nobility. This stigma has now shifted however, there are still certain socio-demographics who shy away from the sport. According to the Lawn Tennis Association, 2.9million people aged four years and upwards played tennis in the UK in 2003. Further, this is reinforced by the British Embassy who suggests that around five million people play tennis in the UK. Either way, this is a large number but there does not compete with the number of people that play football. Of the 2.9 million tennis players the Lawn Tennis Association estimates that 441,000 of these people play tennis in London; 137,000 of them playing regularly. In the UK many of the tennis campaigns and organisations aim to attract the younger generation to take up tennis. This it is no surprise that the younger generation in the UK are likely to play more tennis in the future than that of the current older generation. In contrast to the number of tennis players in the UK, American Tennis Life Magazine, which conducted a survey on tennis, illustrates that 23.5 million Americans play tennis annually. Of this, 52 per cent of players were men and 48 per cent were women with the average age of these players being 29. Further, the percentage of women players to men is reflected in the ratio of spectatorship. McNamee, (2001) illustrates that 48 per cent of women watch tennis compared to 52 per cent of men. I am surprised that women on average play less and watch less tennis. The abovementioned illustrates that tennis is indeed a thriving sport within the UK but simultaneously illustrate that there is scope for growth within these figures. So, it is important to establish the type of people who do not play tennis and the reasons for their lack of participation in the sport. The kind of people not playing tennis are those who are in the lower social classes who cannot afford to pay for a club membership, those in areas where facilities are in a state of disrepair and those from ethnic minorities, the latter will be discussed further. Moreover, Sport England and the Lawn Tennis Association have identified the following barriers to greater participation in tennis in London, some of which include; cost (however in reality this is more down to peoples perception of the sport – studies show that the actual cost of tennis membership is more than half what people estimate). Also, poor local authority facilities and a lack of investment in facilities has meant that people in certain areas are just unable to play tennis. Further, the weather plays a large role in determining the months of the year in which tennis is playe d. Those with no access to indoor courts are not likely to play tennis outside the summer months which results in lower numbers of people who play tennis. Moreover, Sport England has established that there is no co-ordinated approach to tennis for people with disabilities, thus limiting the development of tennis as a leisure activity. Lastly, due to the immense popularity and plugging of other sports such as football, competition with other leisure activities and sports creates a loss of interest in playing tennis once young people have left school. Furthermore, according to Gabriel, D from the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), black players are noticeably absent from tennis. Supposedly, poverty is cited as a major factor, with 57 per cent of people from ethnic minorities socially excluded from sports on the grounds of destitution. Gabriel, D believes that a white sporting establishment effectively excludes people from ethnic minoritiesfrom getting involved in the organisation and governance of sport at every level. In other words, the lack of black people in decision-making roles within sports organisations means there is little opportunity for them to ascend to senior and more influential roles that could promote their wider involvement and influence in sport. McLean, L reinforces the fact that the ethnic minorities do not take part in sport, compared with the national average. Supposedly, people from ethnic minorities are keen to give sports such as tennis a go, but they do not have access to facilities. Thus in order to ensure that tennis remains a popular sport and continues to grow it is essential that every local government looks to improve facilities in their area and encourage ethnic minorities. Every year, Wimbledon is broadcast on television and in its own right is one of the UK’s major sporting events. According to the Lawn Tennis Association, Sport England spent approximately  £18.7 million on tennis facilities, coaching and promotion and outreach in London in 2003. This perhaps demonstrates that tennis in the UK is in fact on the increase. What we must ensure is that we have the infrastructure in place to cope with larger numbers. The Lawn Tennis Association believes that the most immediate benefit from the Wimbledon Championships is the revenue generated by the event. The 2003 competition brought in  £25.8 million (net income) which was invested back into tennis initiatives nationally. However, in order to see tennis become more popular it is essential to promote all year round and eradicate the idea that it is a summer sport. There is of course little that the Lawn Tennis Association can do to change the weather but it should look to invest in indoor courts and floodlighting through its Club Vision programme and Indoor Tennis Initiative. In 2003, the Lawn Tennis Association committed  £2.28 million to facilities in London, 30 per cent of the organisations fund. Since 2001 it has invested over  £4.89 million in 16 major tennis projects in London. Further, Gabriel, D from the Commission for Racial Equality has reported that black people are very interested in tennis thus there is scope to increase the number of tennis players in the UK. In my opinion tennis is a growing sport. This is further emphasised by UK Sport (2001), which has explained how the management Board of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) has decided to engage with Sport England and the Lawn Tennis Association in an informal consortium to seek planning permission for the redevelopment of facilities at the Bisham Abbey Sports Centre, enabling it to become a Centre of Excellence for both sports. This illustrates that organisations believe that tennis is a worthy investment for the future. Further, Since September 2004, construction has been underway on the Lawn Tennis Association’s new National Tennis Centre (NTC) in Roehampton. If tennis was showing signs of decline there would not be so many initiatives or campaigns running to improve facilities throughout the UK. The site will provide a single site of national focus for tennis in Great Britain, and will open in late 2006. The reasons for a National Tennis Centre according to the Lawn Tennis Association are that in 1999 an extensive review of the sport was undertaken and it arose that tennis has effectively turned into a social leisure activity for a few, rather than a competitive sport to be enjoyed by many millions. In all, the evidence points to a rise in popularity of the game tennis. There is still plenty of scope for growth and the introduction of more ethnic minorities to the sport. Bibliography The Cliff Richard Tennis Development Fund (2000) The History of Tennis. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 Bray, A. (2005) Tennis in London. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 The Lawn Tennis Association. (2005) Building our Tennis Nation. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 British Embassy. Sport – One of the best things in life. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 Gabriel, D. Commission for Racial Equality (2005). Why black British tennis players are missing from Wimbledon. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 UK Sport (2001) Cricket and Tennis seek Alliances. (Internet), Available at, cited 30/11/05 Tennis Life Magazine. Demographics. (Internet), Available at, cited 01/12/05 McNamee, Dr (2001) Sporting Conduct: A survey of Sports spectators’ perceptions of the values and norms of selected professional sports. (Internet), Available at, cited 01/12/05 McLean, L. Participation in Sport. (Internet), Available at, cited 01/12/05
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Difference Between Common Market and Custom Union
Difference Between Common Market and Custom Union George Walles How does a common market differ from a custom union with respect to the dynamic effects of European economic integration? What may impede the transition from a customs union to a common market? This essay will be looking to identify how a common market differs from a custom union in respect to dynamic effects of European economic integration. After that, the essay will be looking at the sort of factors, which may impede the transition from a custom union to a common market. A custom union is where all obstacles of free movement of goods and services are removed and a common external tariff is agreed. A common market is union of partners with free movement of goods, services, and the addition of free movement of labour and capital. The Treaty of Rome in 1957 set out the intension of a legal basis for the start of the EEC and to establish a Common market (Nello 2012). Custom union theory mainly looks at the static effects of European economic integration; this can be shown through the welfare effect diagram (figure 1). In the home country, based on their domestic supply and demand the price would be at Ph. World trade prices would be at P3 where world supply plus a tariff is equal. At P3 the domestic economy would Produce Q2 and import up to Q3. However once a custom union is established the price will fall to P2 as this is the price at which the union partners sell at. Yet they are still not as productive as the world supply because if you exclude the tariff they would produce the good more efficiently at a price of P1. At the price P2, the home country now produces only Q1 and imports up to Q4. However, the home country gains from being in the custom union, areas X and Y are gains and are trade creation of which are larger than the losses from trade, which is area Z, which is trade diversion. Area X is the gains to the consumer due to the lower prices, while area Y is the gains to the producer because of greater efficiency. However the gains from a custom union are only predicted to be with just 0.15 percent increase in growth. The problem with this analysis is that it only shows the static effects of a custom union, and it is only looking at an individual industry and not the economy as a whole. There are a number of dynamic effects made by a custom union is respect of European economic integration. However, these dynamic effects are explicit to that of a firm or an industry and are similar or the same effects of which a common market has, due to both custom union and common market having free movement of goods and services. These effects are a reduction in Monopoly power and increased competition, reduction in the levels of x-inefficiency and the reaping benefits of economies of scale. The difference between custom union and common market is the free movement of capital and labour, this essay is going to concentrate on the free movement of capital. The free movement of capital is where capital controls and restrictions on the amount of currency that may be imported or exported are abolished (Deutsche Bank 2013). Figure 2 is going to illustrate a situation where there is no capital mobility to free capital mobility in a common market to look at its welfare effects. The native capital owners in Home lose since their reward has fallen from r0 to r. The amount they lose is measured by the rectangle A. The Home labour increases its income by area A plus triangle B, thus the total impact on Home citizens is positive at equal to area D. The Home country also gains from the extra capital flows as it raises total output by area B+C+D+E, while payment to the new capital is only equal to C+D+E, which is r times the capital flows. Moreover, Foreign output drops by D+E, while capital remaining in foreign sees its rewards rise from r*0 to r. The size of this gain is shown in the rectangle F, which is the change in r times the amount of capital left in the foreign country after integration. The total gains to foreign capital is area C+D+E, while the loss to foreign labour is area D+F. The Foreign country therefore gains from the capital outflow by an area equal to triangle C (Baldwin Wyplosz 2009:557). Thus to conclude from this diagram, Capital flows create winners and losers in both nations but collectively they both gain from free movement of capital. The main reason why is due to greater efficiency. For example, foreign capital was producing at r*0 which is inefficient but once there is free movement of capital it then produces at r0 in the Home country. Therefore, capital flows improve the overall efficiency of the EU economy of which the gains and losses are split between the member countries (Baldwin and Wyplosz 2009:558). Furthermore, free movement of capital makes it more profitable to invest into other members economies, this is backed up by the fact that the EU is the largest source and destination of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the world (European commission 2014). The main reason for greater investment this is due to heightened efficiency in the EU zone as the same amount of capital and labour can produce more output, as was explained in the figure 2. Free movement of capital has positive dynamic effects, due to an increase in investment. The best way to show an increase in investment due to European economic integration is through the Solow growth mode. For example When Spain join the EU along with Portugal in 1986 they both had an increase in FDI, for example Portugal FDI was $274,036,105 in 1985 and by 1987 this almost doubled to $465,868,833 and in Spain FDI was $1,967,804,468 in 1985 and by 1987 it had increased dramatically to $4,570,700,793 (World Bank 2014). This increased investment because of the theory of the multiplier effect should lead to an increase in growth, which both Portugal and Spain experienced after EU entry. For example in 1985 Portugals growth was 2.8% by 1987 it had increased to 6.4% similarly Spain in 1985 growth was 2.3% and by 1987 it had increased up to 5.5% (World Bank 2014). Furthermore, Albu (2013) found that the EU, is characterized by complete liberalization of capital movement, foreign trade and economic growth in general were directly influenced by foreign direct investment increasing, this can be shown the diagram below. (Baldwin Wyplosz 2009) If European integration raises investment from S to S2, the inflow of the curve S(GDP/L) will rotate upwards as shown in figure 3 to S2(GDP/L). This change would alter the equilibrium K/L (capital/labour ratio) and at point C. This can be seen also by the movement form K/L to K/L (2). Furthermore, the rising K/L ratio would raise the output per worker from Y/L to Y/L (2). The difference between point B and D show the medium run growth bonus from joining the EU (Baldwin Wyplosz 2009: 224). This can be backed up by economist Richard Baldwin who predicted an increase in GDP within 3.1 percent to 8.1 percent in the UK and even higher in other EU economies once the single market was completed (Baldwin 1989: 265). The second part of this essay will be looking at what may impede the transition from custom union to a common market. It can be argued that the European union was a custom union right up to the late 1980’s because of the impediments of free movement of labour and capital, which some are going to be looked at now. According to Pelkmans (2001: 184) the financial capital market has been completely liberalised since the late 1980s. On the other hand, Molle (2006: 123) found a number of different forms of impediments to free movement of capital. For example the lack of tax harmonization, as differences in tax levels may distort the market as they induce investors to locate in countries which offer the highest tax adjusted profit rates. The European Commission (1996: 42) found that insufficient liquidity of local markets, exchange rate risks, the tax treatment of non-residents, local prudential and incorporation requirements, and national differences in company law were reported as still inhibiting or distorting capital movements. A example of difficulty with free movement of capital is regarding to the banking system in the 1988, where the main obstacles to establishing banks in other member states was a mixture of authorization procedures, capital endowment requirements and restrictions on foreign acquisition. This restriction is proved, as only 1 percent of member states banks were foreign in 1988 (Nello 2012). However, the Maastricht Treaty outlined that all restrictions on the movement of capital between member states and between member and third countries shall be prohibited (Molle 2006: 140). Another issue which impedes the transition of a custom union to a common market is the free movement of labour. There are both cultural and social reasons and economic, the cultural are issues such as having to learn a new language and a new way of life and having to get used to new surroundings, while having to move away from family and friends is also an issue for people because of tight relationships. The social problems exist due to the labour market being heavily regulated, and with member states having different laws on minimum wage, hiring and firing , flexible labour contracts and qualifications (Pelkman 2001:168). This diversity between members acts as a deterrent for people to migrate. Another form of impediment to a common market is diversity is the lack of mutual recognition of qualification completed by people at university or course of training has not kept up to pace with another members standard (The Social and Economic Council in the Netherlands 2001). There showing how a lack of common recognition of standards and qualifications can hinder labour mobility. As free movement is crucial to common market as the EU created the Schengen group in 1985, the main aim was to eliminate border controls. The original members of the Schengen group were Germany and France with all the members later joining (Nello 2012). However, Ireland and England opted out and Demark partially opted out, therefore there is not complete free movement of labour. Furthermore, there are also restriction imposed by the EU itself, for example, migration in the EU is in principle free. Yet when the EU was expanded in 2004, special provisions were temporally imposed on the ten new members to limit migration from these countries to the EU15, with similar policies imposed on Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 (Baldwin Wyplosz 2009: 250). Thus showing more examples of what can and has impeded the transition from a custom union to a common market. In addition to accept, a job a person must have accommodation, while a residence permit for foreigners can be refused or made hard to ge t (Molle 2009). In conclusion this essay looks at identifying the main differences in respect of the dynamic effects of European economic integration of a common market and custom union, of which were found to be greater efficiency, and greater investment between member states as shown with the Spain and Portugal example. Furthermore, by using the Solow growth model demonstrated how these changes have led to higher economic growth within the EU. The Essay also demonstrates how custom union theory only explains the static effects of European economic integration and microeconomic effects within an industry and firms. The essay also outlines a number of potential impediments that moving from a custom union to a common market can have on both the labour and capital mobility, but also gave empirical examples of these impediments taking place in the contemporary European Union. References Albu, L (2013) Foreign trade and FDI as main factors of growth in the EU. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 16 (2), PP. 7-17 Baldwin, R. (1989) The Growth Effect of 1992. Economic policy, 4 (2), pp. 247-281 Baldwin, R,. Wyplosz, C,. (2012) The Economics of European Integration. 4th Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Deutsche Bank (2013) The Single European Market 20 years on. Frankfurt: DB Research European Commission (1996) Economic evaluation of the internal 4. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities European Commission (2014) Investment [online] available from> [25 October 2014] McDonald, F,. Dearden, S. (2005) European Economic Integration. 4th Ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall Molle,W. (2009) The Economics of European Integration, Theory, Practice, Policy. 5th Ed. Aldershot: Ashgate Nello, S. (2012) The European Union Economic, Policies History. 3rd Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Pelkman, J. (2001) European Integration Methods and Economic Analysis. 2nd Ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall The Social and Economic Council in the Netherlands (2001) Labour mobility in the European Union. Bezuidenhoutseweg: Social and Economic Council World Bank (2014) Foreign direct investment, net inflow (BoP current US$) [online] available from> [25 October 2014} World Bank (2014) GDP Growth (annual %) [online] available from> [02 October 2014]
Monday, August 19, 2019
Honesty is the Best Policy Essay -- Literary Analysis, Cofer, Ephron,
Henry Louis Mencken said, â€Å"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.†Under most circumstances people in the world today would lie before they tell the true. I believe people would rather stretch the truth, than be honest with themselves and with others. Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nora Ephron, and Eric Schlosser, demonstrate honesty throughout their essays. Cofer’s essay â€Å"The Story of My Body†is an autobiography focusing on her childhood; how she honestly felt about herself growing up. She was truthful about her skin color; she did not try to enrich her skin color to improve the essay. â€Å"White,††blanca†is what Cofer was identified as in Puerto Rico growing up (Cofer 324). Being different growing up is difficult and intimidating, but she was honest with herself and accepted who she was. Cofer was honest about her size â€Å"I was 4F, skinny, short, bespectacled†is how Cofer honestly explains her stature, and honestly tells the readers that her nickname was â€Å"shrimp†(326, 327). Being honest, lead Cofer to realize she had knowledge, which is more important than achieving an A in physical education class. This allowed her to discover who she was, which helped her become an honest person. Finally, Cofer’s honesty about her â€Å"looks†helps portray a picture of confusion of growing up. In Puerto Rico she was â€Å"rewarded for being bonita, pretty,†but in â€Å"main stream world of school†she was just â€Å"presentable†(Cofer 328, 329). Being honest with herself allowed her to represent her class, she did not over dress; she dressed â€Å"neatly†(Cofer 329). Her honesty throughout her childhood, allowed her to become the type of person she is today. Ephron’s essay â€Å"The Boston Photographe... ...e bacteria’s have made it across America in their foods (Schlosser 496). The advertisement of large corporations â€Å"aggressively market to children†and children can be affected by contaminated meat easier than an adult (Schlosser 496). The rise of the fast food corporations has honesty began the devastation of economic decline in the United States. Honesty can be hard to find in someone, the fact is people will lie before telling the truth. It is difficult to understand that the honesty in a novel or article can be more entertaining than a fictional tale. The three essays by Judith Ortiz Cofer, Nora Ephron, and Eric Schlosser, portrayed how honesty overcomes dishonesty. Writing about personnel events in life, or about a company destroying America, or even how other people become angry with something you have done, it is still the best policy to be honest.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
gender issues in jails :: essays research papers
The article I chose is titled Gender Issues in the New Generation Jail, by Patrick G. Jackson, and Cindy A. Stearns. The source for this article is the Prison Journal. The article explains how men and women in the new jails have adapted. The definition of the new jail is a fifty-person pod style jail. The old jail was considered to be inhumane, disgusting, and have many blind spots. The problems in the old jails were growing year by year. The new jail comes furnished with televisions, separate showers, a phone, and other recreations. The inmates used in the study were all surveyed six months before and six months after the jail was opened. The men and women both showed significant differences in each other.      There have been studies that show that inmate attitude and behavior improves in the different management style jail. An example of this is the recent study showed a reduction in assaults, graffiti, and contraband. (Jackson, P. & Stearns, C. 1995) This survey was compiled to get opinions from the inmates to help aid in jail research. The surveys were broken up into eight different categories to                                                   Darcey 2 show their perceptions of the old and new jails. Privacy, safety, structure, support, emotional feedback, social simulation, activity, and freedom were the eight categories used. Privacy was defined as peace, quiet, and absence from environmental irritants such as noise and crowding. Safety was a preference for settings that provided a protection that minimized the chances of being attacked. Structure can be described as a preference for consistency in the rules, scheduled event, and impingement. Support is defined as the assistance from persons and services that facilitate self-advancement and self-improvement. Emotional feedback is the concern about being loved, appreciated, and cared for. Social stimulation is the preference for settings that provide an opportunity for social interaction and companionship. Activity is a distraction that fills time. Lastly freedom was the need for minimal restriction but maximum opportunity to govern ones own conduct. (Jackson, P. & Stearns, C. 199 5) I believe these categories chosen were very good and very well defined. This was a good method of research.      Of the inmates used in the survey most of them have prior arrests. Almost fifty percent of the inmates have                                                   Darcey 3 been in jail six or more times. Both the males and the females share this characteristic. The severity of the crime is higher in the males however.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The work
The goal of MapleBear schools is to establish an enthusiasm for learning and knowledge in young children that will serve as a foundation for future uccess in the education system and in I Premium327 Words2 Pages Welcome Speech Welcome speech Good Evening/Afternoon everybody! I am extremely honoured to have the chance to address you in this prestigious moment when our institution, VC Kumaran Memorial School celebrates its 33rd Annual Day today. This is so precious moment for us because aside from the fact this funced each and every inch of this stage, be so hesitant to come up here and speak.What I am about to do is absolutely Premium978 Words4 Pages Farewell Welcome Speech â€Å"Goodbyes are hard. It may be harder for the person leaving, but it's always hardest or the one being left behind. †Welcome everyone to this special occasion. This event is bitter-sweet occasion. It is very sad to say good-bye to our classes 10-A and 11-C who are ending their remarkable J Premium284 Wo rds2 Pages School Speech Dear Principal, Teachers, Parent and children a very good evening to you all.It is my pleasure to be here today. Being invited to be the Chief Guest at the must be one of the high points of any parent's life. I was a student many years ago and indeed it's a great honour to be abl Premium313 Words2 Pages School Speech by Chief Guest Draft speech of Mrs. D. Purandeswari, MOS-HRD (HE) as Chief Guest on the occasion of the Annual Day of the Rainbow Concept School, Mahaboobnagar, A. P on 9th February, 2007 at 5. 30 p. m.It gives me immense pleasure to be here this evening and to address the young students of the Rainbow Concept Sc Premium1998 Words8 Pages School Day discover as the colours of cultural feast unfold ! Premium308 Words2 Pages Annual Sports Day My School Sports Day Games are compulsory in every school as physical development along with mental development is essential. All students are not necessarily good in studies. Some are good in sports. Much to the Joy of each students the Sports Day is one of the major events in the school.
Foundation’s Edge AFTERWORD
(for now) AFTERWORD BY THE AUTHOR This book while self-contained, is a continuation of The Foundation Trilogy, which is made up of three books: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation. In addition, there are other books I have written which, while not dealing with the Foundations directly, are set in what we might call â€Å"the Foundation universe.†Thus, the events in The Stars, Like Dust and The Currents of Space take place in the years when Trantor was expanding toward Empire, while the events in Pebble in the Sky take place when the First Galactic Empire was at the height of its power. In Pebble, Earth is central and some of the material in it is alluded to tangentially in this new book. In none of the earlier books of the Foundation universe were robots mentioned. In this new book, however, there are references to robots. In this connection, you may wish to read my robot stories. The short stories are to be found in The Complete Robot, while the two novels, The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun, describe the robotic period of the colonization of the Galaxy. If you wish an account of the Eternals and the way in which they adjusted human history, you will find it (not entirely consistent with the references in this new book) in The End of Eternity. All the books mentioned existed as Doubleday hardcovers, to begin with. The Foundation Trilogy and The Complete Robot are still in print in hardcover. Of the others, Pebble in the Sky and The End of Eternity are included in the omnibus volume The Far Ends of Time and Earth, while The Stars, Like Dust and The Currents of Space are in the omnibus volume Prisoners of the Stars. Both omnibus volumes are in print in hardcover. As for The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun, they are included in the omnibus volume The Robot Novels, still available from the Science Fiction Book Club. And all are in print in softcover editions, of course.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Focused on the sport Essay
â€Å"This is perfect! Just like I had dreamt of it; the lush green grass, the beautiful uniforms, a brilliant coach and a team full of exuberance. This is my day; I am living my dream to be the best soccer player! †Andi could not control his ecstasy of being at a soccer practice club on this bright day under the clear sky after finally having convinced his father after months to let him excel in this field of sport. With the whistle of the coach, the boys started chasing the ball and striving to get to the goal by saving their moves very closely from their competitors. Andi, a tall and lanky 16 year old boy with tanned skin and hair falling at his forehead, was one player that stood out of the team because of his incredible swiftness and strategic positioning while he was tackling players. The soccer coach named David has immediately pointed him out in his head as somebody who could even be the captain of the team. After the practice, David approached Andi and asked, â€Å"Wow! You were brilliant out there at the field; great work, Andi! What inspires you to be so focused on the sport? †Andi responded beaming, â€Å"My grandfather. In my opinion, he was the best soccer player alive on planet earth – and that’s what I want to become. One day, I will show the world what I have in me. I would love to talk to you, coach, but I have to rush home because my homeroom teacher is waiting to prepare me for my final exam next month. See you tomorrow! †As Andi walked out of the club, David watched him with a gratifying smile on his face and said to himself, â€Å"The future of soccer looks bright with these little hero around†After a short walk home, Andi was engrossed into his books in no time and listening intently to whatever his teacher, Mr. Jeremy was explaining along with questioning actively whenever he was baffled by the complications of mathematics. The teacher was genuinely impressed by Andi’s concentration and complimented Mr. Budiman, â€Å"If all parents groom their kids the way you did, sir, no power on earth can stop this country from prospering. †This left Mr. Budiman’s chest heavy in pride for the rest of the two weeks, when things were perfect and he was happy that he let Andi go for soccer practice 5 days a week. After the two weeks of perfection had passed, Andi returned home after furious, intense and extremely tiring soccer practice and slumped on couch without being bothered about Mr. Jeremy waiting for him. â€Å"Aaaaah, can’t I get a day off today? I am in no state of solving math problems or understanding scientific theories. The practice left my entire body aching; it’s horrible, sir! †Before Mr. Jeremy could respond, Mr. Budiman glared at Andi with his face turning red and fists clenched and before even he could say something, Andi shot up from the couch within a millisecond and sat across Mr. Jeremy on the study table. â€Å"I better watch out for daddy; he will jeopardize my soccer practice if I fail this stupid exam,†Andi mumbled under his breath while opening his books. Andi managed to put up a straight face and seem interested with lines on his forehead but clearly, he was sleeping with his eyes open. Not only did he manage to fool Mr. Jeremy, but also David, when he lost focus and concentration on the game but pretended to be vigorous about it. It would not have been this disappointing if the entire team was not suffering because of his performance. The radiance from his face had vanished and was replaced by constant yawning, heaving and frequent â€Å"Oh god, when will this practice end? †expressions. While running towards the soccer ball, Andi ran out of breath and slowed down and eventually bent with hands on his knees to catch his breath and regain his strength. During the act, a team member came running passionately towards the ball and bumped into Andi with such an impact, Andi toppled over twice. David blew the whistle instantly and the team members gathered around Andi in no time to find a sprained ankle. David came running with a sprain spray and held Andi’s Ankle, â€Å"Ouch! Don’t touch it, it hurts! Oh no, not this spray, it burns like no tomorrow! Don’t! STOP! DAVID! NO! †But David was wise enough to ignore Andi and spray on his ankle. David lifted Andi in his arms and took him to the first aid corner of the club and laid him on a bed. â€Å"Sssh! Just stay right here. Rest until you think you can go home, I will call your father till then and ask him to get you†said David sternly. â€Å"Don’t call my dad; you will put my soccer career on stake! †blurted Andi. â€Å"What are you talking about, young man? Injuries are part of sports†said David calmly. â€Å"You don’t get it! My dad didn’t want me to play soccer because my grandfather was a soccer player himself and got paralyzed during a match injury. My father will never let me play if he hears about this†expressed Andi exasperatedly. Listening to his plea was definitely not what a good coach should do, thus, David called Mr. Budiman explaining the entire situation; he also added, â€Å"I’m very worried about Andi personally; he doesn’t seem to be the same fire starter Andi anymore. He’s losing his concentration and is always exhausted; in fact, he is not as fit as he used to be, which means his health is also suffering. He should take time off and rest till he’s fresh and ready to be back on the field†The next week was tense – the air around the house was tough on Andi; suffocating at instances. Andi’s vibrant face was melancholic and he would just stay in his room and only come out for meals (which he would skip at times) and when Mr. Jeremy came for lessons. Mr. Budiman naturally did not like the state his son was in, so he entered Andi’s room one day, sat besides him on the bed and after relieving a long sigh, said, â€Å"Look son, I want the best of the future for you. The decisions I make for you are all based on what’s best for YOU. Just concentrate on your exam for the time being. Things will be better soon. †Andi nodded lightly. Andi worked hard for the exam with Mr. Jeremy but could not take his mind off the green fields and the smell of victory, so he went and watched his team play at times. The soccer competition has 8 teams, if Andi’s team can go through to the finals, they will have 4 games in totals (Huddleston, N. D). Andi’s team clears the first two rounds despite facing challenges and hurdles due to Andi not being present. Andi’s depression grew when he imagined the semi finals and finals without him even after knowing that his recovery had been quick and smooth. But something inside of him rekindled the fire and passion for soccer and he decided to speak to his father. â€Å"Dad, you have seen me work hard for the exam; I did what you wanted. Can’t I deserve another chance? Soccer is my dream, dad! How can I just let it go? †After a long discussion, Mr. Budiman agreed but on the condition of Andi clearing the finals with good grades. David had a hard time deciding too, because a new player cannot enter the match at this stage, but thinking in favor of the team, he knew it was sensible to let Andi play. Before he knew it, Andi was in the team once again with the zeal and fervor doubled! The big day was here and the entire team was pumped up to get the cup; the audience was cheering loudly for Andi’s team on the bright sunny day of Sunday. Mr. Budiman was also surprisingly very charged up for the match and was waving a banner that said â€Å"Go Andi! †in the air. The next 50 minutes for which the match lasted were extremely magical; Andi was like a rocket on fire and his performance kept soaring higher like a bird; expectations grew and the crowd was fanatically cheering for Andi who very shrewdly, strategically and athletically earned goal after goal. Mr. Budiman could not help but jump on his seat and sing victory songs for his son with face shining and a permanent smile. To nobody’s surprise, Andi’s team won the finals before the competitors could even gear up. Andi, the best player, was summoned in the air on the team’s shoulders after which the players hugged each other so tight that the bond seemed to be unbreakable. Mr. Budiman could not control and he ran into the field and hugged his son teary eyed saying, â€Å"You played just like your grandfather, like a true hero! I’m so very proud of you, son! †Celebrations were inevitable but Andi focused on making his dad even more proud by taking a great final; which he clearly managed to do. He got an A grade on his exam and announced it proudly with a â€Å"I did it, dad! †, which resulted in a father-son relationship that was incredibly beautiful. Andi and Mr. Budiman both realized the importance of balancing life between studies and sports, taking up challenges, risking life, living for each other and most importantly, loving life! Works Cited David and Kay Huddleston (Copyright 1999-2009) From www. soccerhelp. com
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Is America Falling Apart?
â€Å"People are underpaid but they go through an act of liking their work, the open markets are luscious when esculent color, the community is more important than the stat, the human condition is humorously accepted. †(297) â€Å"The quality of life has nothing to do with the quantity of brand names. What matters is talk, family, cheap wine in the open air, the wresting of minimal sweetness out of the long-known bitterness of living. (297) â€Å"American individualism, on the face of it an admirable philosophy, whishes to manifest itself in independence of the community. You don’t share things in common; you have your own things. A family’s strength is signalized by its possessions. Herein lies a paradox. For the desire for possessions must eventually mea dependence on possessions. (298)†â€Å"New appetites are invented; what to the European are bizarre luxuries become, to the American, plain necessities. 298)†â€Å"It is not right that men and women should fear to go on the streets at nights, and that they should sometimes fear the police as much as criminals. Both of whom sometimes look like a mirror images of each other. (301)†â€Å"The wealth qualification for the aspiring politician is taken for granted; a governmental system dedicated to the promotion of personal wealth in a few selected areas will never act for the public good. The time has come, nevertheless, for citizens to demand, from their government, a measure of socializationâ€â€the provision of amenities for the many, of which adequate state pensions and sickness benefits, as well as nationalized transport, should be priorities. (302)†â€Å"I come to America as to a country more simulation than depressing. The future of mankind is being worked out there on a scale typically Americanâ€â€vast, dramatic, almost apocalyptical. I brave the brutality and the guilt in order to be in on the scene. I shall be back. (302)â€
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Recommendation Report Example Essay
Summary: Smash Design decide to purchase new chairs and some ergonomic items to solve the problem of employees feel uncomfortable and get sick in their work environment. This report evaluate the Herman Miller Chairs and Steel Case Leap Chairs, Simple Package and Deluxe Package offer by Staple supplies, and Rocco and Rita’s Gym membership. Aeron Chairs with higher price than Leap Chair, but have more functions to comfort a human body than Leap Chair also with a longer warranty. Deluxe Package offer by Staples covers more ergonomic items than Simple package, the price is higher. Rocco and Rita’s Gym offer the deal of annual fee $50 per employee if we sign up more than 50 people. Final recommendations come up with purchase Aeron Chairs, Simple Package offer by Staples, and sign up Rocco and Rita’s Gym membership. Introduction: Smash Design recently received a lot of complaints about sore backs from our employees. After I did some research, I found out absenteeism is up by 10% this year. This problem is caused to chairs are getting old, also were not good designed that use body science to decrease the pressure and prevent backaches. After the discussion with Ellen page, we decided to buy some new chairs, ergonomic keyboards and mouse pad to solve the problem of employees feel uncomfortable and get sick in their working environment. We also decided to sign up gym memberships located at next building for our employees. Exercises will help employee to develop fitness. Ellen Page has asked me to evaluate the better chair Herman Miller and Steel Case chairs. Compare the simple packages and deluxe package small ergonomic items. This report is not including absenteeism report, and also not includes yoga option. Criteria: For the main purpose of improve the working environment for the employees, and make them feel more comfortable, we applied the following criteria: 1. Comfort: For solving the problem of employee feel uncomfortable and get sick in their working environment. Products must be well design with special attention to ergonomics, reducing the pressure and preventing injuries. 2. Warranty: Smash Design invests on some expensive chairs, for the purpose of return, products must can last at least 5 years, and also with 5-year or more warranty. 3. Price: Maximum $1000 per employee includes office chairs, ergonomic office supplies, and gym membership. Analysis: Chairs Herman Miller Aeron Chairs: Aeron Chair is created by Herman Miller with special attention to ergonomics it can fit all the human body and provide them comfort support, and adjustment is easy to use. Aeron Chair’s PostureFit function can support pelvis lean forward naturally then the spine can be align, and prevent backache. Kinemat tilt technology can let human body’s joints pivot naturally. Breathable fabric material can keep body pressure even and decrease the body pressure. Aeron chairs provide lifetime warranty to the customers. It sells at $900 per chair. Staff will help set up chairs and arrange workstations to reduce injuries, if purchase more than 5 chairs. Steal Case Leap Chairs: Leap Chair is created by Steel Case with features of changeable back shape can support entire spine when the user change his posture, and also can decrease the spine stress and spinal ligaments. The back control system can let the user adjust the back angels until it match user’s comfort. Leap Chairs provide three-year warranty to the customer. It sells at $700 per chair. Herman Miller Aeron Chair Steal Case Leap Chairs Comfort Very Comfort Comfort Warranty Lifetime Three years Price $900 $700 Staples Ergonomic Office Supplies Simple Package: Simple package provides ergonomic items such as gel pad for mice and keyboards, stress balls, massage devices, at the come up with the price of $100 per person. Deluxe Package: Deluxe package provides same items as simple package also with additional items such as footrest, neck supports, monitor support and specially design electronic devices. Rocco and Rita’s Gym Memberships If more than 50 people sign up, we can get the deal of annual fee $50 per employee. Conclusion: Aeron Chairs were designed use ergonomics to decrease pressure. The back support technology can prevent backaches. Adjustable sacral support can fit different people. Aeron Chairs are lifetime warranty. If purchase more than 5 chairs, staff will help to set up the chair to make it fit for different employees. The price is $900. Leap Chairs are designed for human comfort, with adjustable back shape and arm, but has not much function as Aeron Chairs, only 3 years warranty. The price is $700, lower than Aeron Chairs. Staple Ergonomic Supplies offer Deluxe Package and Simple Package. Simple Package offers Gel pads for mice and keyboards, Stress balls, Massage devices, and the price is $100 per person. Deluxe Package also include other ergonomic supplies and electronic devices, but the price $250 per person. Rocco and Rita’s Gym offer the deal of annual fee $50 per employee if we sign up more than 50 people. Recommendation: I recommend we purchase Aeron Chairs for our employee, Aeron chair meet the most criteria, and have addition offers. Staple Deluxe package covers more ergonomic items than Simple package, but it’s over pricing. And Aeron Chairs’ functions already cover some usability of ergonomic items. So I recommend we buy the Simple Package from Staples supplies. Sign up the gym membership will exceed $50 of the budget per employee, but I still strongly recommend we sign up the gym membership to improve employees’ fitness.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Company's Mission vs Christian Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Company's Mission vs Christian Principles - Essay Example As small and startup businesses rarely have the financial resources to carry out market research, this paper assumes that a research firm on the behalf of another firm undertakes the research. The first step is to define the problem, goal and objectives of the research(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Research problems vary from one company to the next and also according to the prevailing situation. For instance, a rival company may introduce a new revolutionary product into the market. This development may force another company to improve its existing product if it is to compete with the new one. In such a case, the goal of the research may be to find out new benefits that consumers would like to enjoy in the existing product. At this stage, there is the risk of the research firm seeing the problem from their perspective not that of the contracting firm. Should this scenario happen, the entire research process could be rendered ineffective. The second step is to design the research. The essence of research design is determining the method of the research(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Among other considerations, the researcher will have to determine the type of research they are going to undertake. Broadly, research can either be a survey or a census. The main loophole at this stage is for the researcher to opt for a census as it will bring in more money by virtue of its scope, even if only a survey meets the needs of the client. This loophole can be sealed by the close collaboration of the marketing department of the client and the research firm. The third step is to design and prepare data collection tools. The most common data collection tool is the questionnaire(Kotler & Keller, 2012). The questionnaire could be sent to a respondent for them to complete and return it. Alternatively, a research assistant could visit the respondent at their residence or place of work and have them complete the questionnaire as they wait. The loophole here is that
Monday, August 12, 2019
International Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International Business Law - Essay Example India has no data protection law and therefore, there is no law regulating the protection of personal data of staff and employees that are kept in the databases of companies. What India has is the Information Technology 2000 (IT Act 2000) which prohibits the disclosure of data by a person who has secured access to it without the consent of the person whose personal data is being disclosed. The foregoing piece of legislation has therefore, a very narrow application and does not really protect information in company databases from persons who have no secured access to it (Spedding & Rose 307). In a contract where two parties come from different countries, two sets of law are naturally involved – that of the host country and that of the country of the outsourcing party. In such instances, the parties to the contract must expressly signify in the contract which law must govern the parties’ contractual relationship. Under the Indian judicial system, the choice of law of the parties called â€Å"the proper law of the contract†is respected and upheld by the Indian courts. Thus, if StoneTechnical enters into an agreement with an Indian counterpart for the outsourcing venture, the parties must agree by themselves which law should govern their contractual obligations and in case of a dispute under which law should the rights of the parties be determined. In addition, foreign judgments are enforceable in India so long as a reciprocal arrangement exists between India and the country of the outsourcing or FDI country as can be gleaned from the provisions of the Indian Civil Procedure Code. In the absence of such an arrangement, enforcement of such judgment can be had through the filing of an action for its enforcement (Sople 2009 p. 96). Aside from the foregoing, particular legal issues for outsourcing that are not potentially advantageous to StoneTechnical are the following: absence of at-will employment; statutory protection in employment to a class of
Parental Divorce and Childrens Adjustment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Parental Divorce and Childrens Adjustment - Essay Example This represents the efforts by the parents to shield their children from the impending deficiencies in development in the occurrence of divorce. Therefore, this implies that the children who go through the process of parental divorce exhibit a variety of negative developmental outcomes (Lansford 5). These developmental problems could be summarized as the internalization of problems and externalization behaviors, problems in social relations and poor academic achievements. However, these developmental issues also rely on other issues such as age, race, and gender. Parental divorce has been known to have adverse effects on the development of family members, especially the children. As a result of the high prevalence of parental divorce, many children are forced to adjust to the situation in order to cope with life. Therefore, different sets of children react in different ways in the occurrence of divorce. For instance, infants may react to their parents’ mood swings through practices such as loss of appetite. However, in the cases of adolescents, they may react rather personally to such an occurrence. They may be emotionally affected, and this could even lead to poor academic results and poor relationships. This is owed to their maturity at the time of divorce. In some cases, adolescents may even blame themselves for the divorce. Consequently, they could even go an extra mile to try and help their parents in resolving their differences. Studies have revealed that the leading cause of parental divorce is extramarital sex. This is closely followed by domestic violence within the family. Other causes of parental divorce include midlife crisis, addictions, and religion. However, divorce has a negative impact on the development of family relations both in the short term and long term.
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