Monday, September 30, 2019
Cloud Computing: Two Articles
Cloud Computing Articles One of the recent trends in the fast paced field of Information Technology is the development of cloud computing. Simply put, cloud computing is the outsourcing of business processing and storage to â€Å"virtual†servers over a network, most commonly the internet. The advance of network technology has allowed companies to transfer large amounts of their business intelligence systems to outside servers, without compromising data-transfer speed. Two recent articles from different publications covered the subject of cloud computing. The first, found online from InfoWorld. om, describes the different levels of cloud computing and what each entails. The second article, found in a monthly publication of Computer World, details the pros and cons of clouds in IT. According to the InfoWorld. com article, cloud computing is â€Å"a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licens ing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities. †(InfoWorld. om) Clouds are a modern answer to IT’s ever increasing needs for storage space and computing power. There are several types of services that these virtual servers offer, ranging from utility applications to email spam filtering. Currently, most of the servers must be accessed individually, but they are becoming more integrated as the field progresses. One type of cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), is the hosting of one software application through the internet. An example this type of application is Salesforce. com, a sales representative management system. By providing the software online, Salesforce. com provides an easy way for managers to monitor and diagnose sales data, without the need for their own costly IT system in-house. SaaS also gives an advantage to the host company, because updates and bug fixes are limited to one program which they control. There are several variations to the Saas system that are offered in cloud computing. Utility computing involves a company’s memory, input / output Storage, and computational capacity being accessed through the network to a â€Å"virtual†server. Currently, most cloud utility computing is for non critical intelligence, due to newness of the system. According to the article, these online servers could one day replace most of the current physical datacenter. Another variation to Saas within cloud computing is web based application programming interfaces. APIs are â€Å"interfaces implemented by an online source that enable interaction with other software†(Wikepedia. org). There is a wide range of APIs used with business intelligence. Some examples would be Google Maps used by delivery services, shipping tracking for UPS, or online tax processing programs such as TurboTax. One of the original forms of cloud computing are managed service providers (MSPs), which are applications that are exposed to the host company, rather than the end user. Examples of MSPs are e-mail virus scanning and anti-spam services, or desktop management offered by companies such as CenterBeam. Managed security services, such as firewalls, are also found within cloud computing. The Computer World article goes further to describe an aspect of cloud computing called infrastructure as a service (Iaas). â€Å"With public cloud IaaS, organizations pay per use or per cluster of resources for an external cloud service provider to host their virtual servers†¦ IT maintains control over the applications without worrying about configuring, upgrading or patching servers and other infrastructure. If a new application is needed, IT simply loads that application onto the service provider’s virtual server and the software is available to users†(Computer World). By migrating the physical datacenters to virtual servers, companies are saving maintenance, power and labor costs from the upkeep of those resources. Most established companies are making the transition to clouds slowly, a couple of datacenters at a time, as they become outdated. Startup businesses, however, can use virtual servers as a great advantage to avoid costly equipment purchases. â€Å"Bernard Golden, CEO of consultancy HyperStatus, agrees that Iaas offers a lifeline when it comes to rising data center costs and real estate constraints. It offers IT the opportunity to reduce the data center management burden, yet improve customer service†(Computer World). For a company who is contemplating the switch to virtual servers, there is also security and legality issues to consider. Migrating large amounts of data, without disrupting critical files, can be risky. One company, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, â€Å"started slowly with self contained, non mission critical applications such as testing and development so they could learn the ins and outs of moving into the cloud†(Computer World). The company should inquire as to the host server’s security and firewall systems, and should always keep hard copies of important data and applications. Business documents that are highly valuable to a company, such as patent documents, customer databases, and technical drawings are not usually stored in the cloud network. The international field of computer hacking is expanding, especially in developing countries, making industrial espionage a serious subject for businesses to consider. A company migrating to cloud computing must also consider the legal aspects of moving their IT systems. Software licenses may not apply to a public network, where the applications can be shared by several end user computers. The company should also know the terms of contracting with the cloud servers, should they decide to break or end the agreement. All data that could be detrimental to the firm should be destroyed by the host server once the contract is void. Some businesses are closely regulated by government agencies such as the FDA or ANSA, and should keep relative files readily accessible. There are also government regulations to consider concerning customer information. The article describes how IT manager Charles Swartz, of Preferred Hotel Group, adheres to regulations. â€Å"Because the company deals with credit card transactions, it must follow the Payment Card Data Security Standard, which requires physical control over servers handling that data. To avoid any complications, Swartz makes sure all credit card transactions go directly to a third party and he avoids keeping any of that data on his outsourced infrastructure†(Computer World). Another issue to consider when switching to a cloud network is computing speed. Where IT systems may have been fast to load or run on a local area network, a wide area network could transfer at a higher or lower speed. With modern business transactions becoming faster than ever, customers expect quick response. â€Å"Delays of just a few milliseconds can cause them [end users] to be frustrated†(Computer World). Switching to cloud networks can be an advantage to speed, if the cloud provides a larger bandwidth than the in-house servers. A higher bandwidth also allows more end users to access the system at once without slowing download speeds significantly. Jason Harper, vice president of technology at Morgans Hotel Group in New York, say customer satisfaction has increased at his shop because end users are accessing their files faster via the cloud†(Computer World). One recommended use of the cloud system is test run or seasonal IT systems. Rather than expanding physical datacenter space for temporary projects, the public servers can be easily setup to run and store data. â€Å"The public cloud is great for short term usage, since very few enterprises have spare servers lying around anymore. Instead, it enables IT to have quick response to new projects without having to preplan†(Computer World). The article does warn, however, that low barrier to entry can be over-sourced. Often-times end users might jump into applications on cloud networks without consulting their IT professionals. This could lead to costly changes down the line, which could have been easily fixed at the setup of the systems. Despite being in an early stage of development, cloud computing already has a definite niche in the business and IT world. One of the main drawbacks at this point is the lack of integration between systems. Previous attempts to create cloud integration technology, such as CapeClear’s enterprise service bus, and a universal bus system by Grand Central, have failed to stay in business. The overall trend of using virtual servers, however, does seem appear to be here to stay. Sources: â€Å"What Cloud Computing Really Means†Infoworld. com Knorr, 4-27-2008 http://www. infoworld. com/d/cloud-computing/what-cloud-computing-really-means-031 â€Å"Moving to the cloud: Big savings, but plan ahead†Computer World Gittlen, March 2010
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Manage Operational Plan Essay
1. The Types of Matters in a Human Resource Plan Human resources is directly related to the performance of the organisation identifying and planning for training can be linked to many corporate processes performance as the underlying basis of many organisational and human resources programs. 1.1 Some matters of the human resource and their solutions 1.1.1 Human resource issues in counsel and the possible solution Counselling is definitely one service that can help to manage themselves manager should be trained in same basic counselling skills a counsellor can in sever age core capacities of employees. It can help employees increase their self-awareness regarding their thinking patterns and behavioural tendencies. 1.1.2 Human resource issues in employment management and the possible solution The sources of training need provide a diversity and complexity of training requirements to be at practice level you should be managing coordinating the training necessary to satisfy all the needs all the personnel in training should be skilled. 1.1.3 Human resource issues in Administration and the possible solution Recruitment is another traditional area high quality candidate’s should be attracted to the positions the person and position requirements should clearly established. A variety of selection methods appropriate to the situat ion should be used like entrance tests an interview. 1.1.4 Human resource issues in training and the possible solution Administration is function of human resource management is to be provide the employees with the capability to manage healthcare, record, keeping, promotion, benefits etc. the function in terms of employes benefit is to create management system to achieve long term goals plans it requires the exercise of analytic ability and application of substantial knowledge of principals. 2. Job Description of Human Resource Plan Duties and Responsibilities; * Recruiting and staffing logistics * Performance management and improvement tracking system * Record keeping * Assisting with employees relationship * Employee safety and so many- prepare sales action plans and schedules assist, develop and maintain sales and promotional materials make sales calls to new and existing clients assist, develop and make presentations of company products and services to current and potential clients negotiate with clients maintain sales activity records and reports ensure customer service satisfaction and good client relationships follow up on sales activity assist, conduct market research and surveys Skills and Abilities; Excellent computer skills including word and excel Effective oral and written communications skills knowledge of employment laws good interpersonal skills skills in database management Be ready and able to work within a team. Have a polite, helpful manner Education bachelor degree Experience 1 or 2 years of general business 3. Preparing a Job Advertisement A job advertisement should be contained various information these can include; Job title Wage Working area, place Working hours Skills, knowledge and attitude we needed Qualifications and experience we needed Contact name and number of someone who is from our Human Resource Department. 3.1 Job Advertisement for tycoon Company Tycoon Trading Company Sales Department; Salary: $ 55.000 annual Working hours: 9:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday to Friday) Our company is located in western suburb close to city and all public transport. As a small business company we are looking for an intellectual, a creative, qualified and at least two years sales experienced person who must use all office programs professionally especially MS Excel, provide good communication with customers and also must assist to someone else about one of our new product in our company. A person who can enjoy challenges and working towards targets has ability to exceed customers expectation Contact no. 02345678(aren) 4. Detail the Cost of Hiring an Employee Cost of detail of our office person contains; Employee background screening Advertising Relocation pay Time for interviewing Travel expenses Training costs Taxation and wages Human resources paperwork about employee Survey and monitoring processes’ cost for employee Job offer calls by phone or job offer letter by mail Employee back ground investigation and make phone calls to its former company 5. Selection Criteria and interview Questions 5.1 Selection criteria from the sales position Understanding of the role Qualities and Quantities research skills Communication and negotiation skills Organisation and Planning Confidence and presentation skills Decision making 5.2 Interview Questions 1. Tell me who are the main stakeholders in our business and describe the task of job that you understand? 2. How can use the qualities and quantities research skills in this position? Can you give me an example about these skills which you have used before in former job? 3. How will you build good relationships with your team members? 4. How will you satisfy dissatisfied customers? 5. Tell me what is your daily schedule position in job? 6. Now I want you to try to sell me something. Try to convince me to buy this coffee to drink. 7. Which advertising methods do you use to present a new product to create an attract attention for our customers. 8. Can you give me a specific example of an occasion when you took on extra responsibility or showed initiative in improving an aspect of work? 9. Describe the most challenging problem that you have had to solve, and what you took into account. 6. Reference Checking It is a process of authenticating the information supplied to potential employer by a job applicant in his resume, application and interviews it ensure the employer that the candidate has background and experience as he claims it includes and takes usually 20 or 30 minutes to complete. It is a control process provides past information of employee and asks questions two or three people who directly managed the candidate about employees’ skill and knowledge for requested position, relationship with other team members it includes verification of academic credentials ,verification of prior employment, testing to confirm skill, criminal background check To make a reference checking about regarding person will be good in term of employer. For this reason the human resource department of tycoon International Trading Company prepares some questions to make a reference checking on former jobs and positions of regarding person on the its ex-companies. Our reference checking questions are generally consisting of; When did related person work for your company? Could you confirm starting and ending employment dates? When did s/he leave the company? Why did related person leave the company? What was her/his starting and ending salary? What was her/his position? Can you describe the job responsibilities? Did person supervise other employees? How effectively? If I spoke to those employees, how do you think they would describe person’s management style? How did person handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress ? Did you evaluate person’s performance? Can you speak to his/her strong and weak points? What was person’s biggest accomplishment while working for your company? If I describe the position we are hiring for what, could you describe how good a fit you think person would be for the position? Can you describe this person’s experience working as a member of a team? Is there anything I haven’t asked that you would like to share with me? 7. Preparing a Job Offer Date 03/08/2011 Tina Odett and 1/48 Ambrie Crt.Noble Park 3174 Melbourne/Australia Dear Mrs raj It is my pleasure to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of tycoon trading company the offer is contingent upon your passing of requirements. The position we are offering is that of Sales Assistant at a salary of $55,000 per year This position reports to Mrs Lela who is a supervisor. Your working hours will be from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm on normal workdays. This is a permanent position. Benefits Information if relevant to the position: Working hours 9:00 to 5:00pm Position – permanent Salary- paid fortnight Bonus- on satisfaction completion of first 90 days of employment Vacation – _2_ weeks per annum Probation Period – from 15/08/2011 to 15/11/2011 Employee Benefits Include: – Group Insurance – Short/Long Term Disability – Dental Care – Health care Your employment with tycoon trading company is at will and either party can terminate the relationship at any time with or without cause and notice if you are in agreement with the above outline please sign. We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our Sales Department and look forward to working with you. Signature †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. For company manager name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Human resources†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. I accept the offer as outlined above this 8 day of August,2011. Tina Odett 8. Mentoring and Coaching Program for the New Staff Member A mentor helps employee’s development and also provides some advices on career path. On the other hand a coach observes employee’s work and actions, and provides related teaching skills. A coach can come from same division in a work place for example from company’s personnel or manager. As a manager, I can also be a coach for my new and current employees. And as a coach, I can give my time and attention to my employees and I can help them master their work and grow their own knowledge and skills. Also, I can ensure them extend their learning capabilities and improve their self-development. On the other hand, for the role of the mentor I can provide my new employees to reach their highest potential in the business. I can arrange for them individual or organizational group mentoring programs. 9. Three months’ probation review It is a 3 month period from the date of commencement of employment whether the employer assesses suitability of employee for the role and employee has an opportunity to determine if the role meets their needs. Probation period has been formed as 3 months in our Human Resources Plan to provide a review and recording about newly hired personnel. Review will be made to the Human Resources Department end of the each month during the three months. First two months will contain initial reviews, and last month will be taken final reviews for employees. Employee assessment Company name Employee name Identification Date/period Position 9.1 Records of Review Importing point in a review report is that it gives healthy and true decisions about newly chosen personnel and provides much strangest workforce for the organisation in the future. Following things should be recorded Attendance Punctuality Appearance dress code Attitude-positive, cooperative Work quality Workplace-care of company equipment Team work skills 10. Monitoring and Review of a Human Resource Plan Human resources plan provide a framework for a company for that as a Human resource manager of the related company I can follow company’s missions and daily operations by regarding plan and also I can understand what priorities I need to know as I guide the employees to help the company succeed as well I can be sure whether all staffing needs are met or not. According to the topic, firstly I have to thing about new product in the organization and sales staff that has also employed newly. For example as a human resource manager I arranged a staff training program for related person and also I chose another person who will be responsible for monitoring system. By this responsible person I will follow all performance and capabilities of new staff and also I will be reported about the all situations among the training such as staff training has been completed by a certain date or not. After this training process I can manage a survey which indicates the results of customer satisfa ction and therefore I can make a review about my resources plan which has achieved to present new product by my new training staff or not. PART B According to case study, Sports Gear that is a medium size company will need to increase its production for the Australian Team in the World Cup within 6 weeks which needs to be more than the current level in order to meet the expected demand. 1. Expenses for the new operational plan To increase productivity we need following things, More stafff for night shift More machinery. Time schedule should be extended to 24hrs and 5 days a week for next 6 weeks. Organize extra arrangements for catering and refreshments for the working staff. 2 extra supervisors for night shifts. Ordering extra raw material. Extra room for storage and vehicles for distribution. All of the above will lead to increase the company’s current expenses. For that Sports Gear need to extend their company’s budget. For example, company need to provide more wages for more staff and extra supervisors, more usage for more electrical expenses, more budget for extra order for raw material, more requirement of fuel oil for distribution during the 6 weeks, etc. 2. Monitor performance of the staff to increase productivity Garry can monitor his staff performance by:- Establishing cctv cameras and recording and viewing all the staff members while working. Setting daily targets for each supervisor and each staff. Staff attendance records. Amount of waste production for each staff which shows they are doing their responsibility in right way or not. 3. Budget of the company and its use Budget is a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving, borrowing and spending. A reasonable budget allow you to do what you want it helps to be business in right direction The company uses the budget because it provides:- Planning, Set expectations, Consideration, and Guidance Control finances Help to achieve target Helps to prevent loss. 4. Documentation used for developing a business budget Budgeting is the basis for developing supportable financial plans. The documents developed by the company as a result of these instructions are a normal part of the annual budget effort. provide a consistent basis for business planning and budget reviews, facilitate any necessary budget adjustments, provide transparency and a clear audit trail, support rate case filings, assist external reporting with their communication to the investment community, and Keeping the record of budget and getting it checked by the senior personnel.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Law for Australian Taxation Administration
As per the given case, Ms Anstis has claimed a deduction in the i e tax payable against her youth allowance i e. The ATO has denied providing her with such deductions. Ms Anstis filed before the federal court of Australia and got an order in favor of her. The ATO filed an appeal before the High Court of Australia. The Australian Taxation Administration is dealing tax system in Australia. As per the TA Act 1953, the ATO acts as the executive body under the legislation and regulate the behavior of the tax payers in the country. The Australian Taxation Office is the main revenue collection body of the Australian government. The ATO is the statutory body of the government who has been given the power under the Australian Taxation Administration Act, 1953 to collect taxes in different tax system within the country (Alghamdi et al 2016). The ATO has the responsibility to execute and implement the tax system within the country and any other matter related to taxation and collection of government revenue within the country. As an executive body the ATO is to execute, implement and regulate the tax system within the country and regulate the behavior of tax defaulters and evaders in the country (Vann 2016). The ATO is an executive body formed under the Taxation Administration Act of the country. The parliament has given authority under the Act to formulate certain policies and regulations for the day to day smooth running of the taxation system in the country (Tran-Nam and Walpole 2016). ATO does not make statutory enactments but has the power to make rules and regulations under the taxation system in Australia. ATO engages and involves with other taxation departments on policy matters relating to tax and excise. The ATO has been granted with power by the government to instruct the OPC to prepare legislation which the ATO deems fit and necessary to administer the taxation system within Australia (Braithwaite 2017). How does this case reflect the interaction of the different bodies under the separation of powers doctrine? As per the given facts of the case there is an involvement of all the three tiers of the government. The three tiers of the government are the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The Australian Federal Parliament and the state legislature are the legislative body that makes laws on the taxation system within the country (Smith et al 2016). The ATO is been delegated with the power of governing and administering the taxation system within the country. The ATO is the executive body of the three tier system of the government. Whereas the Federal Court of Australia and the High Court is the judicial body of the country who decide matters in dispute. In this given case, the ATO has power to determine the tax system and High Court has the power to interpret the laws made by the parliament. Thus all three tiers are separate from each other. However, all three tiers of the government has something mon to each to keep a check n the powers of other body. As per the case, here the judi ciary by interpreting the law has check on using the absolute power on the general people of the country (Long Campbell and Kelshaw 2016). What is the significance of the High Court decision in terms of tax law as it is applied within Australia? The significance of the High Court’s decision on the given case is that the High Court has the power to determine that the lower court has given the appropriate judgment as per the facts of the case. Alghamdi, A. and Rahim, M., 2016. Development of a Measurement Scale for User Satisfaction with E-tax Systems in Australia. In Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII (pp. 64-83). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Vann, R.J., 2016. Hybrid Entities in Australia: Resource Capital Fund III LP Case. Tran-Nam, B. and Walpole, M., 2016. Tax disputes, litigation costs and access to tax justice. eJournal of Tax Research, 14(2), p.319. Braithwaite, V. ed., 2017. Taxing democracy: Understanding tax avoidance and evasion. Routledge. Smith, F., Smillie, K., Fitzsimons, J., Lindsay, B., Wells, G., Marles, V., Hutchinson, J., O’Hara, B., Perrigo, T. and Atkinson, I., 2016. Reforms required to the Australian tax system to improve biodiversity conservation on private land. Environmental and planning law journal, 33(5), pp.443-450.  Long, B., Campbell, J. and Kelshaw, C., 2016. The justice lens on taxation policy in Australia. St Mark's Review, (235), p.94. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,
Friday, September 27, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 88
History - Essay Example It is at this point that one could say that the Author is trying to establish an impression that the book is supposed to descriptively tell something about the Baroque period, and the ultimate way of understanding it is to look at the common trends or patterns in politics, economics, religion, arts and sciences at that period of time. In this case, the Author simply did not try to single out the basic concept of understanding history. In fact, there is a use of the same methodology of establishing or creating clear ideas of a certain historical period. The book starts to talk about â€Å"The Patteru of Politics and Economics†(Friedrich 1-67) in Chapter I, then down to religion, war, science and so on. The discussion specifically ends with Bibliographical essay (Friedrich 3271). In other words, the book is organized in a way that the readers can learn many things about social, political and economical issues associated with the Baroque period. It is interesting at some point, because the book does not only focus on artistic expression, but rather the descriptive events during the period as far as the association of the arts is concerned. The Author simply pointed out at some point that there are many things to learn about the Age of the Baroque aside from the art and relevant artistic expression. There were primary sources involved in the discussion, supporting the Author’s main argument. These also include some supporting materials like secondary information from credible intellectual works. In other words, the Author tried to establish a significant justification so as not to defeat the purpose of the entire book. The supporting details were necessary requirements in order to come up with the better perspective and descriptive thought about the Baroque period. At some point, considering that the entire work is quite exploratory in its nature, there might be remarkable
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Electric Field Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Electric Field Simulation - Essay Example Through COMSOL Multiphysics we discovered the results after simulating an electric field by using 2D and 3D of the electrostatic module. These modules provided many kinds of movement in the electric field for the three electrodes, which were energised with +1V, 0V, and -1V electrical voltages. Also, the strong and weak points are posted between the three electrodes and show the electric potential of the field. Finally, this paper will show the form of the distribution of electric potential and electric field between the three electrodes for the above mentioned conditions. Introduction: After Michael Faraday discovered the electric field, he developed electricity into something practical that could be used in many technologies, especially microsystem devices. According to James Clear Maxwell, â€Å"the portion of space in the neighborhood of electrified bodies†is called an electric field [1]. At present, there are several applications used that are related to microtechnology a nd are beneficial to our lives. A good application in medicine is biology cells within medical laboratories. In this way, application is applied to the electric field to move cells and separate or analyze cells via impact electric forces. The movement, separation, and analyzing is done through a technique known as AC electrokinetics. This technique occurs when an electric field interacts with dipoles, but it depends on forces between repulsion and rotation by altering the nature of the dynamic field [2]. This new technique is beneficial in biotechnology because of the electric field [3]. Also, the AC electrokinetics technique depends on a delicate process known as dielectrophoresis. This is â€Å"the migration of uncharged particles towards the position of maximum field strength in a non-uniform electric field†[4]. The basic principle operation of dielectrophoresis is by deference of electromagnetic and dielectric properties. For example, the separation of cancer cells is be hind the electrodes, while the natural cells move away from the electrodes due to variations of the electric field [5]. Figure 1 shows the forces of attraction and repulsion between cancer cells and normal cells. Fig.1. Basic Principle of Dielectrophoresis An electric field is a region around a charged particle or object within which a force would be exerted on other charged particles or objects. It is defined as an area between two charges and then there is a force (positive or negative) exerted [6]. The forces exerted on the test charge will be directly proportional to another charge according to Coulomb’s law [7]: Fe ? q1 q2 If divide the forces on the test charge: E=Fe /q ' Where E = electric field (N/C) and F = force (N) and q' = charge on test charge (C) Also, according to Coulomb’s law, we can find E where: = the permittivity of free space Then we can calculate the electric flux by using Gausses’ law [8]: Q = ? E.d There is a relationship between the elec tric field and electric potential if the electric potential is identified in an action area, then we can calculate the value of the electric field by: dV = - E.d. However, the electric potential consists of lines called equipotential lines. There is a direct correlation between the electric field lines and the energy of electric potential because the first one always puts the electric potential of direction that causes dropping electric potential [9], whereas, in this case, we are dealing with an accelerometer that
Global Warming and it's effects and solutions Essay
Global Warming and it's effects and solutions - Essay Example Finding new sources for electricity is one of the most important ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Currently in the United States we use several methods to produce electricity. These include coal, oil, nuclear power, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power, among others. Coal is used more than all the other methods. Burning coal produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide, and in order to stop global warming, the use of coal has to stop, or at least be greatly reduced (World Wildlife Fund ,1999). The best solution is to use combinations of the safest types of power. One way to do this is to use more wind and solar power, update existing hydroelectric systems to make them more efficient, and use geothermal power when possible. Another way to reduce greenhouse gas emission is to get industries that cause the most pollution to reduce emissions and power consumption.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Green management Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words
Green management - Dissertation Example However, environmental education needs to start with children. With the motivation to evaluate how schools discharge their responsibility towards the environment as well as towards the future citizens, this study was undertaken. The study aims and objectives were stated and after extensive literature review on the subject, data was gathered through a qualitative case study approach. This study is based on a particular boarding school in London. Both primary and secondary data were gathered through multiple sources for the purpose of the study. The study finds a strong positive link between green initiatives and economic performance. However, corporations should not expect immediate short-term gains. In the short-term some gains may be achieved but sustainable gains can be achieved only in the long-term. Most companies that have adopted ‘green marketing’ as a strategy, into their overall corporate and business strategy, have registered enhanced performance. This should be based on an efficient internal and external assessment. Consumer consciousness has also prompted companies to adopt green marketing, as customer satisfaction is critical to survival. Compelled by government regulations corporations have been taking different initiatives such as efficient packaging, reuse and recycling of packaging materials, better waste management, efficient lighting, use of renewable energy sources, and viewing compliance as an opportunity. The study however finds that in the school under study environmental education and environmental management system is extremely poor. No standards are maintained and no regulations are imposed. Investments are poor as the management is unaware of the benefits that it can achieve through environmental management system. The school has undertaken some initiatives but due to lack of training and education of the teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as students, these investments have not reaped any benefits. Schools stand to gain competitive and comparative advantage through environmental education and environmental management system. However, the authorities and the school management have now become conscious and are willing to invest in green technology. The study has highlighted the savings that can be expected just by switching over to low-power bulbs and following a discipline of switching off lights, bulbs, heaters and shutting windows. The study concludes by recommending a strategy for environmental management system that can be implemented at schools. Acknowledgments I will write this one Chapter 1 1 Introduction This chapter begins by introducing the subject green management and highlights the importance of ‘green management’ through statistics and data from different sources. An overview of the subject helps to develop the study outline and evaluate which factors need to be given importance. 1.1 Background Climate change and global warming are evident from the rising annual temper atures, extreme weather changes, heat waves and from the melting ice cap and glaciers. Global warming has influenced business strategies as they try to reduce green house gas emissions, through efficient operations or through energy conservation techniques. Referring to companies such as GE, Wal-Mart and Dupont, Gunther (2006) states that smart companies know which way the wind is blowing and they use the climate change as an opportunity; they try to introduce innovation and creativity with the help of advanced
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Pollution in utah and it's affect on wild life Essay
Pollution in utah and it's affect on wild life - Essay Example Wildlife of Utah does not have any other choice but to breathe in the bad quality air which leads to several health problems. The pollution in the air affects behaviour and reproduction ability in amphibians, birds and even in insects. Several pollutants are present in air in Utah such as sulphur dioxide and lead which can cause damage to the nervous system and the respiratory system of the wildlife in Utah. One of the major contributors to the air pollution is the oil and shale facilities. The development of energy in these facilities produces toxic substances which can cause problem to the deer and elk populations. Light pollution is another major problem that exists today in Utah. Light pollution refers to the increasing use of artificial lights which has grave implication o the ecology of individual insects and organisms. Light pollution causes alteration in the normal natural light cycles and affects both nocturnal and diurnal animals. Migrating birds are often surprised by tall buildings lit up heavily by lights. The birds lose their sense of direction and often smash into the buildings. This not only hampers the population ecology f the migratory species but also alters the migratory patterns and routes of these birds (Plumer, 2014). However, water pollution is perhaps one of the major threats to the wildlife of the region. Waters of large water bodies such as Great Salt Lake have been polluted with contaminants such as methyl mercury. Studies have shown that the fish of the Great Salt Lake contain methyl mercury in their bodies. The chemical bioaccumulates and is transferred between species through the food chain. Therefore, piscivorous animals such as birds, ducks and otters suffer from adverse effects from the toxicity which may cause behavioural, neurological changes and can even result in death (Utah, department of Environmental Quality, 2014). Surveys of the Great Salt Lake conducted in 1996-1997 reported presence of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Legal issues for business managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Legal issues for business managers - Essay Example The doctrine is of utmost importance where there has been a promise to perform an act in future. These are the type of contract that are said to be executory in nature. If there has been a mere promise to perform an act it would only be enforceable if is by way of a deed. (Mckendrick 2009). The definition of consideration was provided in the case of Currie v Misa1 which revolve around the concept of benefit being provided to the person who made the promise (the promisor), or a detriment to the person to whom the promise was made. Thus detriment or benefit as specified would suffice so as to make a promise enforceable. This definition has been problematic in instances where the contract is executory was a whole. However, the definition has been found to be confusing and as a result it has been said that in order to resolve the issue of consideration the mutuality in the agreement should be looked into and consideration evaluated thereupon. (Poole 2010). The first requisite of consideration is that it must be sufficient and need not be adequate, that is it is as a matter of fact considered by courts as being capable of being consideration. The adequacy is not considered because of the fact that the courts do not wish to interfere where the party merely entered into a bad bargain (Thomas v Thomas)2 this is what is known as the principle of ‘freedom of contract’ (Chappell v. Nestle)3. However, there have been time when it has been found that consideration which has no economic value will not be sufficient and thus will not suffice as consideration. (White v. Bluett)4 (Atiyah et al 2006) Existing obligation which arises due to operation of law and is not related to any contract that is no contract has been made for additional services is held not be enforceable as there is no consideration or to be more precise because of public policy
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Outline the processes of evolution Essay Example for Free
Outline the processes of evolution Essay Outline the processes of evolution and explain how theory of mind is an adaptation resulting from the selective forces that have operated during evolution. Evolutionary psychologists endeavour to understand how animal and human behaviour evolved and the adaptive functions that these behaviours would have had over time. They reflect on ultimate explanations and look for the reasons why such phenomena exist and how this helps to ensure that our genes (the structures containing DNA sequences) are passed to future generations through the process of sexual reproduction. Evolutionary psychology is concerned with identifying which behaviours and psychological traits are adaptive and the function which the latter fulfil. Evolutionary psychologists do not, therefore, look for causal explanations regarding behaviour, but are concerned instead with functional explanations. By researching evolved characteristics and abilities they try to uncover within the processes of evolution how the human mind works, and ultimately how societies function. They conclude that our current physiology and psychology still demonstrate a decisive interplay between adaptations and environments on an evolutionary timescale (Clegg, 2007 pp. 161-2). The theory of evolution is in the most part derived from the work of Charles Darwin (1809-1892). Following many years of painstaking research, most notably surrounding his study of species of the Galapagos Islands, he arrived at the theory that species have gradually evolved from common ancestors. He researched the possible processes through which evolutionary change could have occurred and argued that there is a strong relationship between genes and environment, whereby genes that allow for traits most suited to dealing with changes in the environment will be selected for. Darwin recognized how important sexual reproduction (where genes are passed to the next generation) is for creating variation, and that inherited characteristics and genetic variation are open to random changes. However, the forces of natural selection have effect on these changes enabling the mechanisms that ensure the organism is better able to survive within their environment are selected for, and consequently more likely to be passed onto the next generation. The processes of selection occur over extremely long periods of time. Hominoids (the family containing primates) evolved around 22 to 31 million years ago, with humans appearing very recently on the evolutionary timescale somewhere between 150,000-200,000 years ago. We should note also that since it is the genes that endure over time, selection refers not to the survival of the individual or indeed of the species, but to the survival of the genes. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins noted that People act as vehicles to contain the genes, and these are passed on when they reproduce (as cited in Clegg 2007, p 121). Humans, being highly social creatures, require psychological mechanisms that enable them to successfully interact within the social environment. For example, being able to guess what another person is thinking in order to predict how they might behave, or understanding others behaviour so as to be responsive to their feelings, or even being capable of deceit are all highly useful abilities for social interaction. In an evolutionary context, these social skills and empathy with others would have greatly improved an individuals survival chances and/or reproductive success, ultimately increasing the chances of his genes passing onto the next generation. Such traits would have been a positive asset to the species as a whole. As psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen explained by being able to predict one anothers behaviour, two individuals can work together more effectively thereby improving survival chances (As cited in Clegg 2007, p. 133). Our ancestors who possessed such characteristics would have had a great advantage over those who did not. Thus in accordance with Darwins theory these abilities, over time, would have been selected for. The ability to predict and explain the actions both of oneself and of others, and the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another is known as theory of mind. It is associated with the ability to manipulate and influence others within a social context both in a positive and in a negative way. These abilities are essential in gaining social status and resources, forming alliances and obtaining sexual partners. Ultimately, they are greatly significant in the role they play in reproductive success and our continued survival as a species. Theory of mind interests evolutionary psychologists because it is fundamentally relevant to modern human behaviour. Psychologists are particularly concerned with its evolution and its role, hence much research has been carried out involving children, those diagnosed as autistic, and non-human primates in order to develop upon hypotheses. Evidence collected from research involving these groups has led psychologists to better understand theory of mind and its functions. A large amount of studies on the aforementioned three groups involve testing deception and false beliefs using a version of the Maxi test devised by Wimmer and Perner (1983). However, there are more modern experiments which have revealed evidence of theory of mind in children as young as 2 years old. Further evidence in the form of archaeological findings, such as signs of burial rituals and evidence of art production has been uncovered. The ability to create imaginary images or the notion of an afterlife would suggest that our ancestors were able to conceptualize the thoughts and beliefs of others. Research evidence from experiments carried out involving children from many different societies and cultures shows that theory of mind is universal, and consequently indicates that it may be an evolved adaptation. Much of the research suggests that it may have evolved because it effected human interaction within social environments which would have benefited humans and their offspring. Those who displayed a strong theory of mind are likely to have improved their chances of survival by increasing their social status, or they may have used deception, or plan ahead to their advantage in order to gain more resources. They may have been able to negotiate dangerous situations by predicting others behaviour, or those with a highly developed theory of mind may have had more success regarding sexual reproduction. We can say then that theory of mind is an intrinsic element of our humanness, with evidence suggesting that its adaptive function is a result of the selective forces of evolution. It is all about enhancing social relationships; a perspective that is supported by a number of researchers (Baron-Cohen, 1999; Byrne and Whiten, 1997; Dunbar, 2003) (As cited in Clegg 2007, p. 138). Theory of mind as a psychological mechanism has been a highly influential factor to the developmental progress of the human race, and unequivocally instrumental to the success of the species.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A microscope: An overview
A microscope: An overview 1. Introduction A microscope is an instrument used to investigate tiny objects which cannot be seen by naked eyes. There exist three types of microscopes which are optical microscopes, electron microscopes, and scanning probe microscopes. (1) Six types of microscopes talked in this report are reflected and transmitted light microscope, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), transmission electron microscopes (TEM), focused ion beam (FIB), and atomic force microscope (AFM). 1.1 Reflected light microscopes Reflected light microscope is a type of microscope using visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples. It is used to examine opaque specimens which will not transmit light and other materials such as ceramics.The reflected light travels through the objective lens, which in this arrangement acts as both a condenser and an objective, and strikes the specimen.It is then reflected off the specimen back up through the objective lens, the head, the eyepieces, and finally to the eye.(2) 1.2 Transmitted light microscope Transmitted light microscope is a type of microscope where the light transmits from a source on the opposite side of the specimen from the objective. Usually the light is passed through a condenser to focus it on the specimen to get very high illumination. (3)After the light passes through the specimen, the image of the specimen goes through the objective lens and to the oculars where the enlarged image is viewed. 1.3 Scanning electron microscope The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is one kind of electron microscope. The SEM utilizes a very fine probing beam of electrons scanning over the specimen to emit a variety of radiations. The signal which is proportional to the amount of radiation leaves an individual point of the sample at any time. The signal obtained from one point will display the information of that point. In practice, the points follow one another with very high speed so that the image of each point becomes an image of a line, and the line move down the screen so rapidly that the naked eye sees a complete image on the computer. SEMs are patterned after reflecting light microscopes and will yield similar information 1.4 Transmission electron microscope A transmission electron microscope (TEM) works much like a slide projector. A projector shines a beam of light through the slide, as the light passes through it is affected by the structures and objects on the slide. These effects result in only certain parts of the light beam being transmitted through certain parts of the slide. This transmitted beam is then projected onto the viewing screen, forming an enlarged image of the slide. TEMs work the same way except that they shine a beam of electrons through the specimen. Whatever part is transmitted is projected onto a screen for the user to see. TEMs are patterned after transmission light microscopes and will yield similar information. 1.5 Focused ion beam A focused ion beam system (FIB) is a relatively new tool that has a high degree of analogy with a focused electron beam system such as a scanning electron microscope or a transmission electron microscope. In SEM and TEM the electron beam is directed towards the sample generating signals that are used to create high magnification images of the sample. The major difference with a focused ion beam system is the use of a different particle to create the primary beam that interacts with the sample. A highly focused ion beam is used instead of electrons in FIB. As the beam scans the surface of the sample, a highly magnified image is created, which allows the system operator to view the samples microscopic features clearly. 1.6 Atomic force microscope The AFM is one of the foremost tools for imaging, measuring and manipulating matter at the nanoscale. The information is gathered by feeling the surface with a mechanical probe. To achieve atomic scale resolution, a sharp stylus (radius ~1-2 nm) attached to a cantilever is used in the AFM to scan an object point by point and contouring it while a constant small force is applied to the stylus. Piezoelectric elements that facilitate tiny but accurate and precise movements enable the very precise scanning. (4) 2. Study of comparison among six kinds of microscopes 2.1 Optical microscopes Optical microscopes, which use visible wavelengths of light, are the simplest and most used. Both transmitted light microscopy and reflected light microscopy need low energy and the microscope itself is much cheaper and smaller than electron microscopes. Compared to electron microscopes, the optical microscopes have another advantage that the image obtained from them is in color. Comparing to reflected light microscope, the transmitted light microscope only works on light transparent specimens but not metal, ceramics and some polymers such as rubber. However sample preparation of transmitted light microscope is relatively complicated. As it requires sample thin enough for the light to go through. This can be done by using a microtome to slice at lower temperature; as well the distortion of the section due to the sample preparation is a problem for observing. (5) 2.2 SEM The SEM has allowed researchers to examine a much bigger variety of specimens no matter it is bulk or thin layer. The scanning electron microscope has many advantages over optical microscopes.The SEM has a large depth of field, which allows more of a specimen to be in focus at one time.The SEM has much higher resolution (~1-5nm). (5)Because the SEM uses electromagnets rather than lenses, much more control in the degree of magnification can be done.All of these advantages, as well as the actual strikingly clear images, make the scanning electron microscope one of the most useful instruments in research today. However, materials that can be examined in the SEM must be vacuum compatible, clean and electrically conducting such as metal. But for non-conducting materials such as ceramic and polymers, gold or carbon coating on the surface of the sample is essential. 2.3 TEM TEM is a technology using a high energy (80-200kV) beam of electrons to transmit through an ultra thin specimen (50-200nm). High resolution (~0.2nm) is the most significant advantage of TEM. (5) However, there are a number of drawbacks to the TEM technique. Many materials require extensive sample preparation to produce a sample thin enough to be electron transparent, which makes TEM analysis a relatively time consuming process. The structure of the sample may be changed during the preparation process. Also the field of view is relatively small, which leads to the region analyzed may not be characteristic of the whole sample. There is potential that the sample may be damaged by the electron beam, particularly in the case of biological materials. 2.4 FIB FIB is usually used to examine metal surfaces. If the sample is non-conductive, a low energy electron flood gun can be used to provide charge neutralization. FIB is inherently destructive to the specimen because when the high-energy gallium ions strike the sample, they will sputter atoms from the surface. Ga atoms will also be implanted into the top few nanometers of the surface making the surface amorphous. (6) These limitations produce noticeable effects when using techniques such as high-resolution lattice imaging TEM or electron energy loss spectroscopy. 2.5 AFM The AFM is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscope, with demonstrated resolution of fractions of 1 nm. (4) AFM provides a true three-dimensional surface profile. Additionally, samples viewed by AFM do not require any special treatments such as coating. Most AFM modes can work perfectly in air or even a liquid environment without a need of vacuum. This makes it possible to study not only metal, ceramic, polymer but also biological macromolecules and even living organisms. In principle, AFM can provide higher resolution than SEM. It has been shown to give true atomic resolution in ultra-high vacuum and in liquid environments. High resolution AFM is comparable in resolution to TEM. A disadvantage of AFM compared with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the image size. The AFM can only image a maximum height on the order of 10-20 micrometers and a maximum scanning area of around 150 by 150 micrometers. (4) Another inconvenience is that the AFM could not scan images as fast as an SEM, requiring several minutes for a typical scan, while a SEM is capable of scanning at near real-time after the chamber is evacuated. The relatively slow rate of scanning during AFM imaging often leads to thermal drift in the image making the AFM microscope less suited for measuring accurate distances between topographical features on the image. (4) 2.6 Competition 3. Example of applications 3.1 Reflected light microscope Normally, reflected light microscope is used to image metal, ceramic and rubber. Thats the reason why it is also called metallurgical microscope. Nowadays it becomes a fast growing interest; especially in regard to its increasing usefulness in the fluorescence microscopy as well as the rapidly growing semiconductor industry had also led to an increase in the use of reflected light microscopes. (7) 3.2 Transmitted light microscope Polymers can commonly be looked at under the transmitted light microscope, because most of them are transparent or translucent. It can also analyze cell slices obtained from organism. Most of the lab can afford a transmitted light microscope since it is relatively cheap. 3.3 SEM About any scientific field can use an SEM as a research tool. It can be used to look at the crystalline structures of chemical compounds and how their bonds form. A scanning electron microscope is especially useful for looking at the surfaces of materials at an atomic level. 3.4 TEM TEM can do diffraction analysis of small areas by selected area diffraction. High resolution x-ray microanalysis and analysis of crystal defects such as dislocations, stacking faults using diffraction contrast can also be done by using TEM. Another important application is it can image lattice of crystalline materials. (8) 3.5 FIB FIB can be used as Ion beam imaging. The FIB also offers the ability to perform nanopatterning and micromachining respectively, and by instructing the machine to add or remove pertinent features, operator can design and prototype a new micro or nanostructure, modify integrated circuits and cross section specific features to allow failure analysis even in the 3D (TEM sample preparation). FIB is also used for Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). (7) The ejected secondary ions are collected and analyzed after the surface of the specimen has been sputtered with a primary focused ion beam. 3.6 AFM The atomic force microscope (AFM) is one of the most powerful tools for determining the surface topography of native biomolecules at subnanometer resolution. AFM allows biomolecules to be imaged not only under physiological conditions, but also while biological processes are at work. The AFM can also provide insight into the binding properties of biological systems. 4. Summary Characteristics of six different types of microscopes are compared in this article, including sample preparation and technique limitations. Each one has its advantage and disadvantage, so it is necessary to consider comprehensively before choosing, for example, the type of the material, needed information, vacuum compatible, conductivity and sample preparation, etc. References Microscopy and Analysis. [Online] Reflected Light Microscopes. [Online] Wikipidia. Optical microscope. [Online] Microscope. W. Richard Bowen, Nidal Hilal. Atomic force microscopy in process engineering : introduction to AFM for improved processes and products. 2009. Geoff West, John Bates, David Ross, D Grandy, J Perkins. MPP242 Microscopy Handouts. Loughborough: The department of materials, 2009. Peter J. Goodhew, Richard Beanland, John Humphreys. Electron microscopy and analysis. s.l.: Taylor Francis Ltd, 2000. The Royal Microscope socieity. [Online] Brent Fultz, James Howe. Transmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials . 2008.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Censorship: Helpful Or Hindering? Essay example -- essays research pap
What exactly is censorship? Some feel censorship is a violation of their rights. Others say censorship is a must in the violent, abusive world we call â€Å"society.†Who has the right to censor? Who doesn’t? What needs to be censored, and what doesn’t? The fact of the matter is that there are many pros and cons in the music and entertainment industry about censorship. Personally, I believe that the consumers and viewers should be charged with the ultimate responsibility of censorship. One major area in which there is much argument on censorship is that of television. Since its invention earlier this century, television has become the most popular format for entertainment. We can be entertained, informed, and inspired by programs on television. But nowadays, television stations are becoming less restrictive about the content in their programs. More violence, profanity, and nudity than ever before now graces our television screens every night. Clearly, there are things that children should not be seeing on television. Therefor, the new v-chip legislation in process requires all television manufacturers to install an electronic device that allows parents to set the tolerance levels for violence, profanity and nudity. However, are children’s viewing habits the responsibility of the government or the parents? A good point can be made that there is far too much violence on television today, and that an invention such as a v-chip would help immensely. But what about such violent dra...
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Powerful Message of Jubilate Agno :: Jubilate Agno Essays
The Powerful Message of Jubilate Agno     Jubilate Agno is Christopher Smart's poem which illustrates at first glance a testament to his religious obsession and his deteriorated mental state. The other side of this poem shows a man trying to keep his sanity in an insane place. William Stead sees the work as "a spiritual diary of his thoughts, memories, and prayers, during the darkest years of his life" (Stead 17). Jubilate Agno focuses on God with daily occurrences weaving their way into the poem. Smart's work "reflects what was . . . his life work: the praise of God through poetry" (Anderson 54). Smart writes about what he knows from the Bible to animals to the alphabet; most contain God themes [?]. In his tribute to his cat, Jeoffry, Smart shows the cat's particular connection to God, and how Jeoffry is the ideal servant of God. Is an insane Smart writing about an imaginary cat's servitude to God? Or is the intellectual Smart merely paralleling human life to cat life to show how each of us can ser ve God?  Jeoffry became more than a pet to Smart in the years of his confinement. Dr. Sherbo contends that "he had a cat, a real one, not the product of his distressed imagination" (qtd. in Dearnley 155). Smart, being particularly religious, felt that his companion was a good illustration of serving God in his ways. Jeoffry is aware of God, "For he knows that God is his Saviour" (134) just as we should. Smart refers to Jeoffry working for God, "for when his day's work is done his business more properly begins. / For he keeps the Lord's watch in the night against the adversary" (Smart 133). Jeoffry strives to serve God so much that after each full day of activities he can still be a servant to God. With the detailed descriptions of Jeoffry's daily routines, Smart sees the holy connection in them. "For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East he worships in his way. / For this is done by wreathing his body seven times round with elegant quickness" (131). A morning stretch for a feline symbolizes a morning prayer for a person.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges Essay -- Circular Ruins Jorge
â€Å"The Circular Ruins†by Jorge Luis Borges â€Å"Green is derived from blue and green will become more brilliant than blue†Chinese Proverb The Chinese have a proverb about the evolution of humanity, and in particular, the nature of intellectual relationships. Although the color green is composed from the color blue, it often shines with a more brilliant luster than its predecessor does. This is a metaphor for the pupil and teacher. The pupil learns knowledge from his teacher, but will outgrow his teacher and eventually surpass him in wisdom. I believe this accurately describes the progress of human knowledge throughout time. In fact, it is quite obvious how technology and science have improved as time goes on. There are dramatic changes even in the last decade as people take the discoveries of their predecessors and expand on those principles. Jorge Luis Borges’ short story, â€Å"The Circular Ruins,†also illustrates this idea of the descendents being superior to the ancestors. However, Borges additionally uses a creation story and the theme of recursiveness, which suggest that there is no single perfect being that created all, but that there are numerous beings that create, with each successive one becoming more powerful. This also implies that, contrary to Judeo-Christian belief, the perfect being is waiting to be created in the end and is not the creator in the beginning. â€Å"The Circular Ruins†can be interpreted in several ways, but the basic plot revolves around a man trying to create another being in his dreams. This creator, referred to as a â€Å"magician†in the story, is a god in that he creates a likeness of himself and gives it life. The magician’s desire to create this perfect son is a strong parallel to the Judeo-C... ... worshiped as gods. But in this succession of creators, we have an infinite line, so perhaps there will never be an end, and there never was a beginning, suggesting that there is no perfection or standard to uphold in the universe. Borges makes a point in establishing the recursiveness of creation in his story; my comparison to the repeated creation of more creators is solely an interpretation of the text. It is, however, interesting how the idea of the superior descendant is observable in the real world. By applying this to the idea of the infinite line of creation, the result is an idea that is in disagreement with worldly beliefs, but yet at the same time in agreement with the worldly observations. Moreover, the implications arising from the infinite line point to a somewhat disturbing, but very Nietzschean universe void of an absolute truth and perfection.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Prosecuting Cyber Bullying
Technology is frequently being used to display personal Information on social networking sites for everyone In the world to see. With this Instantaneous technology, the school bully has access to an easier, more harmful, and anonymous way to intimidate their victim. Cyber bullying has become a form of harassment that is creating a myriad of problems for teenagers and, therefore, needs to be dealt with properly.The sense of anonymity and the ability to disguise ones identity online increases Weber bullying activity by â€Å"making fun of, telling lies, spreading rumors, threats and sharing private Information or pictures [online]†(Lulls lines 31-32). In spite of the recent technological advancements, problems with bullying has existed for generations. At the click of a button, the threatening information that can be posted online can be seen throughout the world for anyone to see.Because more people have access to someone's private or embarrassing information, â€Å"an increa sed audience can often lead to more harmful bullying Incidents†(Macaque 27). Cyber lulling can be committed any where and at any time, therefore â€Å"the cyber bullies may not fully understand the Impact of their behavior on their victims†(Lulls line 9). Cyber bullying can negatively affect an individual and even lead to depression and thoughts of suicide. There are many well known stories of teenagers compelled to desperate, even suicidal acts after having been exposed to recurrent harassment by others online.For Instance, the devastating and well-known case off 13-year-old girl named Megan Meier, committed seclude allegedly due to cyber bullying (Macaque 141 After coming friends with a boy she met online, Megan, who had a lifelong struggle with weight and self-esteem, finally met a boy she thought she could trust. After weeks of friendly conversations online Megan was eager to strengthen their relationship by finally meeting each other in person. Flirtatious messag es from her online boyfriend â€Å"Josh†suddenly turned into disturbing and confusing remarks such as â€Å"the world would be a better place without you†(Macaque 16). Josh†even began to post spiteful comments on his site about Megan. Megan committed seclude to escape the main and humiliation she was put through (â€Å"Social Networking Web Sites†3). Investigators soon discovered that the profile of â€Å"Josh Evans†was created by a 48- year-old woman named Lori Drew. Loris's intentions were to tease and embarrass Megan, her next door neighbor and a former friend of Loris's 13-year-old daughter (Macaque 28). This case brought national attention to the dire consequences of cyber bullying. The community was outraged and demanded charges to be brought against this mother.Lori went to court but was never convicted because there was no law against cyber bullying. Another instance of the horrific effects of cyber bullying is portrayed in the tragic s tory of 18-year-old Tyler Clementine. Tyler started his freshman year with a big future ahead of him and a great outlook on life. Invading Teller's privacy, his college roommate streamed private footage online from a WebMD that he held In their dorm (â€Å"Key Events in the History of Prosecuting Cybernetics†8). Comments about his sexuality flooded through his inbox that night.Days after the video went viral, Tyler could not handle the embarrassment and committed suicide by â€Å"Jumping off of the George Washington Bridge†(â€Å"Prosecuting Cybernetics†par. 1). These are two highly publicized and tragic cases resulting from abuse online. There are thousands of other people that are being threatened and bullied through technology every day and no one knows about it. There is nothing positive that results from bullying, but some people still believe that cyber bullies should not be prosecuted because it is not a crime.Critics say that cyber bullying is not an issue that should have legal attention, â€Å"but a dilemma best solved by schools and parents†(â€Å"Prosecuting Cybernetics†par. 2). Many school districts throughout the country are attempting to educate their students about online safety and protection. In order to solve the problem of cyber bullying, the critics believe that schools should concentrate on â€Å"spreading messages of tolerance and civility to all young people†(â€Å"Prosecuting Cybernetics†par. 2). Another point that critics stress is that prosecuting cyber bullies violates â€Å"the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech†(Hayward 21).Opponents to the prosecution of cyber bullies need to take into account the innocent people that are being terrorized online ND their rights to protect themselves. Supporters of the prosecution of these online abusers agree that cyber bullying leads to many emotional problems for the victims. Cyber bullies purposely â€Å"target their vict ims, revealing personal information on the Internet or harassing them through frequent or threatening messages†(â€Å"Prosecuting Cybernetics†par. 16). More often than not, school administrators and parents fail to identify and stop cyber bullying before it is too late.Prosecutors need to take action in order to protect students online. Students are apprehensive to tell an adult about abuse online because they fear the bullying will only get worse. Victims feel that they are on their own in the endless abuse and â€Å"allegedly saw no choice for escape except to kill themselves†(Lulls 22). Historically, a person repeatedly bullied is not only a danger to themselves, but may even have the urge to harm others. For example, in the article â€Å"Prosecuting Cybernetics†, research has determined that â€Å"perpetrators of school violence?such as the two students who went on a shooting rampage at ColumbineHigh School in Colorado in 1999?often have a history of both bullying and being bullied themselves†(par. 31). Even though the cyber bully is not physically shoving the victim around, they are still able to instill a sense of fear and hopelessness in their victims. In order to punish cyber bullies for their conduct, new, up-to-date laws need to be passed for the protection of the innocent victim. With technology being the most popular form of communication, it is important to establish a law to â€Å"deter future bullying with a legal means to punish those who cause harm†.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Future Energy
Future energy Have you ever thought about the energy providing you electricity for your daily life that nuclear power could take you off from this world (it is not clear what you mean here)? What was your feeling when you watching news about the Fukushima nuclear crisis? What do you think when you see how victims of Chernobyl disaster live today? Good start – the questions are a very good way to get your reader's attention. ) All of those issues are just because of one reason – the safety problem of nuclear power.The question is: Can we control it completely? This question is not only for some people or some groups; the /a specific government (or governments? as with your other essays on this topic, be clear about what you mean. Are you thinking about one specific government? Governments in general? ) should consider their citizens and, even every single species living on this planet. Apparently, some countriesy could not dominate nuclear power so that tragedy was happe ned and severely affected on millions of people.For this reason, I think government (again, be clear – one specific government? Governments in general? should replace nuclear power by alternatives such as solar electrical energy ? Is this supposed to be here? generation and wind electric power generation. Sustainabilityle is the most important index for every type of energy resource. People argues that nuclear is the most sustainable energy resource they have. The fuel of nuclear power cost that uranium and plutonium is the precious metals in the nature (? It is not clear what you mean here).But people who support nuclear power seems to have ignored the fact that the storage of precious metals is very low; it has some day that exhaust from the Earth (awkward – perhaps â€Å"will some day be exhausted from the earth†? ). People know that wind energy and solar energy all have been exploited (this is really the heart of your argument in this paragraph, but this par t of the sentence is not clear. What do you mean they have been exploited? This sounds like a negative thing, not a positive thing as you argument should suggest. ). The fuel cost of those two energy resources is zero.They are enduring energy resources, unless the sun disappears from sky and the Earth stops revolving. Spinning. So for the issue of resources (you started the paragraph with the idea of sustainability. It would be a good idea to end your argument in this paragraph with that as well. ), solar energy (what about wind energy? ) is better than nuclear power. Other than sustainabilityle, the cost of running and maintaining a nuclear power plant is the important point that people find? interesting. For every power plant, people will spend money on planning, designing, constructing, running, maintaining it.Every single step in this process will cost amount of money to make sure the plant will works well. And the cost of materials and cost of maintenance is the significant chu nk of the whole cost (what is the cost comparison? Do you have some statistics/figures that support your argument here? ). People (who are these ‘people' you keep writing about? Do you have some support from experts on this topic that you could bring into your argument? ) are saying that traditional electric plants will cost too much money on materials and maintenance. So they think nuclear power plant is the best choice for finance.For nuclear power plant, it will cost only less than a hundred tons of nuclear material for every year; nevertheless, the cost of designing and planning a nuclear power plant is much higher than traditional electric plant. It cost huge number of money on safety, but it still does not work well. However, for solar electrical energy generation and wind electric power generation, it cosst much less on designing and constructing than nuclear power plants, even none on fuels. I suggest government to calculate the price-performance ratio of setting a pla nt. O. k.Good suggestion, but what is the cost comparison? How do you know that these differences in cost exist? For every factory or plant, people always focus on how its productivity is. But the hot potato of pollution is getting more necessary (? I am not sure what you mean here). They might think more about how much discharges will it waste and how to dispose of those discharge more thoroughly. It has been argued that the most important advantage of nuclear power plant is its low discharging. And people who holding this opinion think nuclear power plants are very eco-friendly for environment.They contend that there is no gaseous pollutants discharge from nuclear power plants. But we can not ignore that the nuclear radiation from nuclear power plant waste is much more dangerous than gaseous pollutants that very harmful for the human and the nature. For the human body, when the radiation value get overtakes more thanthe threshold, it will damage the tissue in the body. People stil l haves no effective method to dispose of the Radioactive Nuclear Waste that all this three method can not restrain the radiation come out (? this is unclear).It will damage the soil and the ocean andthat threatens the other species. Even today, the nuclear radiation from Chernobyl disaster continues to influence on the soil and water. Ukraine has millions of victims affected by this accident. And now, some of them died by cancer, some of them are still living under the shadow of the Chernobyl disaster. Nevertheless, there is no problem on discharge of solar electrical energy generation and wind electric power generation. (you need to say more about this – give more of a comparison in order to make your argument stronger.So I am highly recommending that government should consider the future of human race. In conclusion, people who support nuclear power strongly are holding strong reasons (â€Å"have good reasons†? So that you don;t repeat ‘strong'). But it is not suitable for nowadays anymore. People should learn to embrace new technology to replace the old one. The Government should use new energies to make sure people’s life can be proceeding and secure, and human race can be inherit prosperous. As Meador (1978) says: â€Å"There is no way to know absolutely about the future until we make the journey†. , said by Meador (1978).This is a great way to end, Mike. Mike – You make a number of good points in this essay and you have organized it well. You have all of the elements of a good essay: a clear thesis statement, focused paragraphs with topic sentences and generally good connections between ideas. I have made a number of comments throughout your essay, though, of places where improvements are needed. My main comment is that you need to give more specific examples of the statements that you make. This means: – – Eliminating your use of â€Å"They†and â€Å"People†to describe those who hol d opposite views to yours.These are large generalizations that make it easy for your reader to question the reality of what you are saying. If there are experts who hold these opinions, then be specific about who they are. – Use sources and statistics to back up your arguments – I have noted a number of places where you make some statements that are generalizations. These generalizations make your argument weaker than it could be. However, if you use statistics or confirmed facts to back up your generalizations, that would strengthen your argument.Source: You have a source listed at the end of your essay that seems like it might be a good one to support some of your arguments. Why didn't you use more information from this source throughout your essay? Mark: 60/100 Reference: Meador, Roy. (1978). Future Energy Alternatives. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. 3, 112. This book talks about energy crisis and why we need energy alternatives. The book shows several types of alternatives such as solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, peat, heat pumps, and hydrogen energy. Then it gives what are the benefits of those alternatives.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Capturing the Audience
â€Å"Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, When honour’s at the stake. How stand I then†(4,4,52-55). This is part of one of Hamlets great soliloquys from act 4. This soliloquy hits on several points like greatness, honour and how to live your life. These are to things are subjects that have interested the human mind for thousands of years. This soliloquy speaks to these desires in different ways and is able to relate to our inner desires. In this essay, it will be explained how this soliloquy and the themes that are featured in it effect the audience. The first way it speaks to the audience, particularly the Elizabethan audience of the time by, is by Shakespeare creating a hero that would do anything to protect their honour. Honour has always been part of a man. Looking at history it has pooped up over and over again. Honour is being true to a set of personal ideals, or being a man of integrity. ` The imminent death of twenty thousand men/ That for a fantasy and trick of fame/ Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot/ Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,/Which is not tomb enough and continent/to hide the slain? (4,4,59-64) In the soliloquy, Hamlet gives the most fundamental idea of honour protect it no matter what. No matter what the fight is over, you have to stand up for yourself or you are not a â€Å"manâ€Å". Hamlet is looking at Norway’s army with great respect. They are gaining nothing by c onquering Poland, yet they are still going after it to protect their honour. They aren’t backing down from the fight. Shakespeare knew that honour has always been a big part of human life and something greatly respected, especially to the nobles of his time (Shakespeare’s main audience), and made sure to really hit on that really important moral that the audience was able to relate too. Greatness is something that we look for since the beginning. As young children, we look at our parents as the definition of great. As we get older, we start to see all of our parent’s faults but the idea of greatness s already set in our minds and is something that we will always want to achieve. In The soliloquy greatness is closely associated with honour. A good example of how Hamlet sees greatness is the quote was used at the beginning on the essay: â€Å"Rightly to be great is not to stir without great argument, When honour’s at the stake. How stand I then†(4,4,52-55). Hamlet sees greatness has someone who will always defends their honou r. He is very jealous of young Fortinbras for being a great man who is always defending. This speaks to the audience because again, not only is honour again speaking to the audience but also with our desire to be great. The audience can relate to Hamlet. Most people look at someone with envy wishing they could be great like them. Shakespeare used these feelings of envy and wish for greatness to be able to relate to the play. The last point that Shakespeare hits on is living in the moment. Hamlet biggest flaw in the play is his tendency to ever think everything (e. g. When Claudius is praying and Hamlet comes up with several reasons not to kill him. . The biggest thing that Hamlet realizes in his soliloquy is that flaw. â€Å"Of thinking too precisely on th' event /A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts cowardâ€â€I do not know/ Why yet I live to say â€Å"This thing’s to do,†Sith I have cause and will and strength and means/ To do ’†(4,4,40-45) Hamlet realizes what he has done throughout the play and is now regretting the decision he has made. He wishes that he had been brave enough to kill Claudius right away rather than hide behind his thoughts. Audience can relate to this now more than ever. Just take a look at today’s society, many things are about planning and the future but a lot of other things are the exact opposite. Many people are starting to live with the idea that you need to start doing things on a wimp rather than thinking over things and planning them out. People want to live their life to the fullest (e. g YOLO). The people of Shakespeare’s time were renaissance men. They most likely had these thoughts of making their life worthwhile. It is in human nature to want to feel as though our lives have meaning. Although Hamlet is not talking about that exact subject, many of the principles are the same. This speaks to the inner desires of the human mind, capturing the audience’s attention. In conclusion, Hamlets soliloquy captures the targets audience’s attention by using elements that have naturally always captures the human mind attention like greatness, a meaningful life and honour. Shakespeare manages to use all of them to capture the audience’s attention and help them relate to the play.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Candid Communication Essay
Due to the costly failed attempt to expand to the European market, and recognition of the major underlying cultural problems which resulted in the unsuccessful expansion, our team has been tasked with proposing plans for revitalizing your corporate culture. Key personnel, who could have provided advice to avert the flawed expansion strategy, did not voice their concerns or advice because such actions were not culturally encouraged. As an executive management team, you have recognized that this failure to uphold a corporate culture which values candid communication at all levels was the ultimate cause of this setback. This proposal is designed to uncover potential obstacles to creating a culture which foster candid communication, and present a plan of action to alter the corporate culture from the ground up. Question 1: The obstacles of fostering candid communication can be categorized into three areas: personal, physical and cultural. When discussing personal obstacles, the outer layers peel back to find both interpersonal and intrapersonal barriers that your organization will find in their journey to value candid communication. For example, interpersonal barriers occur between team members, such as differences in personality styles or behavioral preferences. Ignoring or not addressing these differences can lead to rivalry, competition and fear of speaking up due to retaliation or further dislike from other co-workers. Though individuals in your company may not like or be willing to work with one-another, the major obstacle is to first get them talking to address their differences. Furthermore, even if your employees hold similar behavioral or personality styles, another obstacle may be that their relationships might not be strong enough to support constructive criticism from others, indicating a lack of trust. The absence of trust is the first dysfunction of a team, according to Patrick Lencioni. â€Å"Trust is the foundation of a team†and the lack of trust is the team’s inability â€Å"to understand and open up to one another†(Lencioni, pg. 43-44). Strong, trusting relationships support providing feedback to other employees and supervisors without fear of future scrutiny. Lack of trust within a group also holds a strong influence on intrapersonal barriers to speak freely. Intrapersonal barriers are those that occur within the individual self or mind but are strongly influenced by their surroundings. For example, without the feeling of trust, employees may revert back to their safety zone by keeping quiet and holding back opinions in order to protective themselves (Lencioni, pg. 195). Likewise, other intrapersonal barriers can be as simple as the individual’s self-confidence level or working with individuals who prefer not to provide criticism for fear of rejection from the group. In addition, another obstacle is the absence of individual’s sense of belongingness to the company, one of Maslow’s steps in his Hierarchy of Needs. Belongingness comes from the company support of employees through personal development and job enrichment which play a critical role for employees to recognize that they and their opinions are valued enough to be shared. Secondly, physical barriers of separation, such as the physical distance between locations, geographic barriers like oceans or even walls between offices, can also hinder the ability to communicate openly to employees,. For example, as your company expands internationally, it will face the creation of virtual teams. Virtual teams are at a disadvantage to build trusting, strong relationships because they do not have the luxury of sitting across the table from one-another to work out disagreements. And, even if they wanted to, it would be extremely expensive for the company to fund trips back and forth across the pond. On the other hand, co-located employees may still feel that physical barriers impede their ability to share from blocked areas and closed doors providing visual cues to employees that they are either not needed or wanted. Last, as your company grows it will face both society and company built cultural barriers. Societal barriers, such as international relations and generational differences can influence the effectiveness of conducting business and building relationships in the future. For example, do the companies that we are working with international hold the same emphasis on candid dialog? Do cultural barriers or age differences enable employees to provide productive feedback or criticism without violating a social norm or without fear of creating adversarial relationships? Both examples of societal based barriers greatly influence the ability of people to feel they can share openly. Likewise, company built cultural barriers continue to obstruct straight talk if the culture does not reward such behavior and the population contains individuals who do not fit the cultural mold. For example, Nordstrom employees who are not fanatic about how amazing you Nordstrom’s is will â€Å"be ejected like a virus†(). Employees who do not see rewards for behaviors or do not agree with the cultural behaviors will not be comfortable to share candidly. Question 2: In order to combat these negative obstacles the company must first create and communicate a solid value structure, mission statement and form committees to help implement and generate ideas. The assurance that people feel valued needs to be the primary focus of the company citing the well known fact that employees are the number one customers. A credo similar to the one mentioned in Built to Last (p. 9) for Johnson & Johnson, listed open for all to see, must be presented to the employees specifically listing core values including but not limited to: welcome change, be honest/open, recognize success but not shun failure, treat everyone with respect and spend considerable amount of time nurturing culture. For maximum impact management needs to proactively practice (MBWA) by walking around displaying, encouraging and measuring the success of all these values. These values and structures need to be engrained early in the employees so that the culture will become second nature. The objective is for the employee to be culturally rooted early. This is why the processes of recruiting, hiring, socializing and training new employees is critical, similar to Nike within Built to Change â€Å"the company fostered a â€Å"just do it†identity that was reflected in its structure, the people it hired†(p. 46). Once hired, the cultural foundation has been set and injection into the company’s system will receive little resistance making it simple to promote candid communications. Disregarding early processes may allow people to slip into the company who don’t fit the cultural mold and/or they are not properly adjusted into the system. These outcasts have a possibility of being rejected from the system resulting in employee turnover or a multitude of other problems. Recruiters can ensure recruits fit into the open communication culture by various techniques of evaluation, starting at first contact, including socializing events and interview processes. Events that require potential employees to socialize with current employees at their peer level will help evaluate their compatibility within the system and the employees. Employees administering interviews are encouraged to ask more behavioral questions rather than job function related questions. This will also ensure that new candidates are on the right path to successful transplant into the company. Once hired, new employees are to be indoctrinated with the concept of free speech. In order to build relationships and foster vertical communication, all new employees regardless of position, are to attend a high level onboarding training that is done within one large room. Next they participate in a communication building scavenger hunt requiring them to find and speak to certain individuals within the organization. The new employees are then paired with existing employees in their own department for 3-6 months because it typically takes a while for employees to become situated and comfortable in their new environment. By training employees in this way you guarantee little deviation from expected culture and instill the free speech initiative, making it easier to have candid conversations. People tend to respond positively to change when they receive recognition from managers. Displaying exceptional behavior is often overlooked leading employees to believe that the attribute is not exceptional or essential to success. When establishing a system for rewarding positive behaviors, especially those that revolve around the core values and candid communication, the rewards need to be in high regard to the employee and not necessarily monetary, Microsoft shows this in Built to Change when it â€Å"employees have challenging work and, of course, one of the most highly rewarding stock plans around†¦. hereby attracted some of the country’s top software engineers and marketing geniuses†(p. 47). Equally important within the innovation process is having more time to develop new ideas shown in Built to Change 3M’s â€Å"policies and practices that give employees time to experiment, and its reward system recognizes innovative work†(p. 39). The rewards and time provided for ideas generated will bring about open communication but would be ultimately ineffective in the event that there isn’t a way to evaluate these ideas and innovations. Therefore a committee consisting of white and blue collar workers should be assembled to evaluate and investigate ideas that are submitted for validity or cost effectiveness. To instill a culture that embraces and utilizes open communication candidly the company must have a way to promote and judge the performance of the changes. A committee will be formed in order to set goals, establish who will be in charge, schedule mingling events, enrich communications and ultimately ensure that this initiative isn’t forgotten. The mingling events would serve as a tool to not only build relationships between employees, breaking down communication barriers, but to strengthen and reinforce ties to the company. Some examples of the events would include speed mentoring, company picnics, benefit fairs, blood drives and fundraising events. Next the committee would be responsible for enriching communications throughout the company by fostering goodwill, laying out company-wide changes and compiling and maintaining the medium for communication disbursement. Mediums of communication can vary from newsletters, memos, banners or blogs. In Corporate Culture and Performance, Tandem Computers practices this by displaying achievements â€Å"are regularly recognized on bulletin boards as Our Latest Greatests†(p. 16). Communication transmitted must be professional to avoid wasting time across the organization. Some additional information, including information about the CEO’s family, may be added to show that she is human and the message is genuine. The committee would also explain new product information, organizational issues that might be confusing and benefit changes that might seem to only benefit the employer. By doing this managers can build rapport to increase employee understanding of the company, products, ethics, culture, and external environment, showing that the managers are not hiding information. This builds trust and fosters open communication. In order to facilitate information sharing, the company must utilize various ways of mentoring. Level mentoring should be skipped so that employees get an opportunity to meet with someone above the direct management. Reverse mentoring will be also instilled in the company as the younger person might have some fresh ideas and new tools. Sometimes, a new set of ideas might be the solution to a lingering issue in the company. Training sessions are organized by putting the management and employees on the same teams. Likewise, large group information sessions are implemented to talk about issues related to employees with management information similar to Merck’s communication meetings that are held three times a year. These meetings will have the full support of upper management and are used to open communication, improve the flow of information among all levels of management and to provide employees with information they need to do their jobs better. There could also be an improvement in information sharing by having no doors on offices or no physical barriers between management and lower level employees. Honda and Harley Davidson have an open door policy as described in Built to Change (p. 9). The company should clearly define fair policies and procedures. This will help the employees to know what is expected of them. If employees know what the company expects, it is easier for them to be accountable for their own behavior and contribute accordingly. Clear guidelines for professional conduct will be established by the company so that co-workers treat each other with respect regardless of their position in the company. Also, a process of performance review system will be implemented to ensure the employees are promoting the company’s value structure. A 360 degree review process will be utilized by the company which will help to provide on-going feedbacks to all the employees. This will enable all the subordinates, peers and supervisors to have their input towards the company. This will also help to assess all employees on a continual basis on how they are performing to business needs as well as adapting to the values of the company. The results from these reviews can be used to make administrative decisions as well as to plan for training and development in the future. The company should also not sway from their core values no matter what, as described in Built to Change (p. 4) in the Southwest Airlines example. This will enable the employees to stay loyal and feel comfortable knowing that their jobs are stable. Finally, the company will provide proper benefits to the employees including fair pay based on individual performance, team performance and seniority so that the employees feel valued. A proper organic organization structure will be designed to empower people and allowing them to make their own decisions. This will make the employees accountable with their decisions. A flatter organization structure will be designed in order to enable employees to speak freely to higher levels of management for advice. This will also enhance the mentoring process and help to build effective relationships. After assessing the culture and gathering input, the company should identify the system, policies and procedures that must be either changed or implemented to support the new culture. The new infrastructure should address role expectations, accountability, rewards and selection systems. The company will also have defined job descriptions and encourage people to switch departments so that employees won’t feel pigeon-holed. In other words, the company will also allow mobility within the organization in order to get the most out of their employees and employees will be more flexible. The employees should also understand other roles and jobs in the company to be able to relate to them and provide input for improvements. The company will focus more on team based design that will eventually help to elevate individual performance in the company. Individuals in the company will be cross trained or conditioned in order to improve the overall performance of the whole team. Although the word â€Å"team†is heavily used in the industry today, teams often play a major role in initiating organizational change. A cross functional team design will create mutual accountability for results and joint ownerships of work products. Above all, a properly designed organic organization structure will positively impact the ability to focus, directly affects the communication channels and empowers people by giving the employees a drive to make their own decisions. Question 3: While designing and implementing an effective, company-wide communication structure is vitally important, the activities performed by leaders at all levels are paramount to sustaining an effective communication culture. Managers are the face of your company’s culture and their interactions with their direct reports will be the frontlines of the company’s culture battles. Beginning with the hiring process, managers must be mindful that they are not only assessing the potential hire’s technical skills and abilities, but also their fit within the culture. They must abide by and practice recruiting and hiring techniques that will reasonably ensure that the company is hiring candidates that will express the desired behavior and align with the culture. These techniques could include maintaining relationships with contacts at local universities and recruiting firms. If these contacts are familiar with your company and culture they could aid in providing a stream of potential new hires and would be able to â€Å"pre-screen†for cultural fit. Mangers should openly discuss the company’s culture and ask explicit questions regarding how the potential hire feels he/she will fit within the culture. This will set cultural expectations of open and candid communication with all interviewees long before any are hired. Also, managers should use behavioral type interview questions to test the candidate’s attitudes, trust and ability to speak freely. Additionally, the interviews should be conducted by employees of varying levels of the company, both managers and non-mangers, with a single manager soliciting feedback from all other interviewers regarding their assessment of the recruit. Once potential employees are deemed to be a cultural fit and are hired it is important to continue the initiation process into the culture. Managers need to immediately begin teaching new employees about the open communication culture and submerging them in it. The Container Store, for example, submits all new hires to a weeklong orientation in which they are taught the inner workings and philosophy of the company (FoE, pg. 75). Socialization techniques can be utilized to build the relationships between the new and established employees, understanding that well socialized employees are more likely to share information freely. Managers can organize gatherings of new and current employees to introduce the new hires to their co-workers. Examples would be ice cream or pizza socials in which ice-breaker type games are used to introduce and socialize new hires to their peers. Mangers can also take new hires to lunch with a small group of their fellow employees in an effort to socialize the new employee in an environment outside the workplace. An emphasis should be made at these types of gatherings to learn about the employee’s life outside of the work environment. Other practices like a mentoring or buddy system could also be utilized to engage the new employee in an open communication culture. The focus of these activities should be to build trust and a sense of value within the new hire. Employees that perceive themselves as being valued and have strong trust relationships with their direct reports and co-workers are more likely to give of themselves, that is, to invest their â€Å"heads and hearts†with your company. While recruiting and initiating new hires into the culture is vital, most of a leader’s time will be spent maintaining the open communication culture. These tasks can be broken down into activities that build relationships, empower employees and provide reviews and feedback. Mangers should spend a considerable amount of time getting to know and nurture relationships with their direct reports. Leaders should adopt a Management by Wondering Around system where managers spend time with employees getting to know what they are doing, how they are doing it, what kind of problems they are facing, and what help is required to solve the problems (Dynamic Business Strategy, info from Vick). This type of communication should be seen as an integral part of managing people, not as an additional burden to a manager’s already busy schedule. An open-door policy should be utilized so that managers are available to their employees as much as possible. Leaders should also maintain a database of employee birthdays and employment anniversaries and recognize these occasions with cards and/or gifts. Management could also hold monthly get-togethers to celebrate the birthdays, anniversaries and milestones that occurred that month. Managers should be encouraged to spend time with their direct reports outside the work environment. Informal gatherings like lunches and happy hours could be utilized to get to know direct reports on a more personal level. Managers should hold occasional casual days in which employees are allowed to wear themed casual attire like university t-shirts to kick off football season or Hawaiian shirts at the start of summer. Additionally, leaders could send out daily or weekly e-mails informing employees of what is going on around the company.
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