Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Energy Of Electric Powered Vehicles - 1540 Words
1.0 Environmental. Electricity. Electric powered vehicles are approximately 90 percent more efficient than those using fossil fuels, which is the primary reason that it is nearly always cheaper to drive a mile using electricity as a fuel rather than gasoline . One challenge concerning electric powered vehicles is that the batteries are both heavy and expensive. As technology and adaptation progress, however, it is anticipated that AA that are fully or partially powered by electricity would be able to travel the same range using batteries that are smaller, and thus, cheaper. As a result of the improved drive cycles and decreased traffic congestion, the use of electric powered AA would further allow for using smaller and lighter batteries. This would reduce the overall cost for consumers, and hasten the adoption of conventionally sized electrified vehicles. Smaller batteries would also reduce life-cycle environmental impacts from producing electric vehicle batteries, as well as reduce their environmental impacts at t he end of their useful life. Electric vehicles charged by low-carbon electricity have the potential to dramatically lower the level of GHG emissions, oil use, and conventional air pollutants. Moreover, AA can be programmed to drive in a way that is fuel efficient so that by programming travel speeds, accelerations, and even mapping out optimal travel routes AA can be programmed to reduce power consumption. Ethanol. Ethanol (E85), ethyl alcohol, has a potential toShow MoreRelatedElectric Versus Gasoline Powered Vehicles752 Words  | 4 PagesElectric Versus Gasoline Powered Vehicles Every year we hear about electric cars more and more, and understandably so. With the rising cost of gasoline, and environmental concerns among others, it is not surprising that people would want more energy efficient vehicles. So now that automobile manufacturers have started producing these types of vehicles, how do they compare to their gas powered counter parts? To answer this question you must first understand how they work, there advantages and disadvantagesRead MoreThe Automobile Is A Road Vehicle Essay973 Words  | 4 Pagesautomobile has been the most beneficial in our society. An automobile is a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or an electric motor and is able to carry a small number of people. The first person who invented the automobile was Karl Benz from Germany. He invented the road vehicle in 1886. Meanwhile, the vehicle was sought out to be the most social and economically powered invention that was brought into existence. In the mist of that, four hundred andRead MoreDisadvantages Of Electric Cars1579 Words  | 7 Pageswere battery-electric cars (BEVs). These sales were the highest ever registered and allowed the global EV stock to hit the threshold of 2 million units in circulation†, according to the Energy International Agency. The debate on whether electric vehicl es are truly more environmentally friendlier, safer, fuel efficient and overall more reliable than the average gasoline vehicle has been prevalent since the debut of electric vehicles on the streets. Driving an electric powered vehicle will have positiveRead MoreBattery Powered Cars Automobiles Are Increasingly New Within The Auto Industry1651 Words  | 7 PagesBattery powered automobiles are relatively new within the auto industry. Advancements in battery power technology along with the effect of gas emissions and crude oil prices have made battery power a more possible choice than ever before. Are battery powered cars marketable? That is the question that this research paper intends to answer. If battery power is a marketable alternative to gasoline power, what makes it profitable? Who is the target consumer? With the recent prices of oil, some peopleRead MoreThe Theory Of Electric Vehicles981 Words  | 4 PagesReview An electric vehicle is a type of automotive that uses electric motors for system powering and provides propulsion. Normal vehicles consist of engines that are driven by petroleum products, petrol, kerosene or gasoline, depending on the type of vehicle in question. Electric vehicles are categorized according to the mode of operation. Some are said to be rail and road vehicles, electric aircraft, electric spacecraft and underwater and surface electric vehicles. The concept about electric vehiclesRead MoreDifferent Types Of Vehicles On The Road Today1273 Words  | 6 PagesExecutive Summary Introduction There are many types of vehicles on the road today. Many of which incorporate some type of internal combustion engine whether it be gasoline or diesel. In modern times however, consumers have been given the option to purchase vehicles that are either fully battery powered or contain a mixture of battery fuel cells as well as an internal combustion engine. The reason for this change has to do with the pollution created by internal combustion engines. The fuel used toRead MoreThe Electric Lighting Industry ( Behr 40 )1158 Words  | 5 PagesThomas Edison founded the electric lighting industry (Behr 40). During this time the gas lighting and electric lighting industry were fighting to be the most successful. The electric lighting industry had won and beat the gas lighting industry. Looking at how electric cars have influenced people to stop driving gas powered cars. This point was being foreshadowed over 100 years ago.Are these electric car companies looking for the same type of con sumer rate? Electric vehicles many years ago acceleratedRead MoreElectric Cars937 Words  | 4 PagesAdvantages and Disadvantages of Electric Cars Introduction to Electric Cars An electric car is a vehicle which is driven by electric engines. The engines use electrical energy which is usually stored in batteries. Electric car is a variation of electric vehicle (EV). EV speaks of any vehicles which are propelled by electric engines. â€Å"Electric car†is a general term for high-speed vehicles which are powered by electricity. In the United States, low-speed vehicles which are powered by electricity are knownRead MoreDebate on Green Cars1527 Words  | 6 PagesDebate on Green Cars In the world we live today, things are changing. Many environmentalists are working together to preserve the planet by recycling plastics, saving the trees, and even operating environmentally friendly vehicles. Although salvaging the waste and protecting the foliage may help contribute to the worthy cause, we may have been misinformed regarding the truth when it comes to automobile manufacturers. The green automobiles may actually be reversing the process and polluting theRead MoreEssay on Electric Vehicles, Are They Worth It?1480 Words  | 6 PagesAre electric cars the way of the future? Some would say no because of the pollution that is caused during the testing and manufacturing of the vehicles. Others would suggest that going electric would help the environment because there is less pollution being administered into the atmosphere. Today about one-third of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. There is more to protecting the environment the n what comes out of the tail pipe of today’s modern cars. Because of the
Monday, May 18, 2020
Toni Morrison s A New Genre Essay - 963 Words
Beloved is not just the story of a ghost that came to haunt the living. Behind the word engraved on a tombstone, there is the history and the memory of an entire people. With this novel of a new genre, Toni Morrison delves into the horrors of slavery and through fiction depicts the suffering and the lives of her ancestors. Yet far from being a documentary, the novel raises the question of amnesia in America regarding its own history. This is done through denouncing the excesses of a segregation system, abjection and rejection, which lasted for centuries. Even though Toni denounces the hurt, shame and pain black people went through because of slavery, she does not portray that community as a victim of history. This is much more than Sethe’s individual fate. Toni Morrison exposes the emancipation of an entire nation. In an attempt to repress the past, the ex-slaves have lost their identity. In order to regain a sense of who they really are, they need to reconnect with the hideou s past they lived. Here, Sethe is the symbol of the quest for oneself. I will analyze how Toni achieves that identity recovery. Firstly, I will show how slavery was the reason behind the loss of identity of ex-slaves. Secondly, I will expand on how reclaiming the past in order to attain full freedom is achieved through analyzing dialogs between Sethe and Paul D initially then between Sethe and Beloved. To conclude, I will demonstrate the role of Denver in that tremendous work of morning the past. ThisShow MoreRelatedJazz Influence On Jazz1469 Words  | 6 PagesThe Influence of Jazz in Toni Morrison’s Novel Jazz â€Å"It is only in his music [ ... ] that the Negro in America has been able to tell his story.†James Baldwin. â€Å"Jazz has been a part of a proud African American tradition for over 100 years. A robust, rhythmic under-structure, blue notes, solos, â€Å"call-and response†patterns, and improvisation of melody all characterize jazz music.†In Jà ¼rgen Grandt’s analysis, he states that in order to use jazz to look at African American literature, the criticalRead MoreThe Jazz Age By Toni Morrison1700 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1920’s in American history seem to be very exciting. It was the height of the Harlem Renaissance, where African American literature, poetry, art and music emerged. You had all this African American talent growing and blasting into the mainstream. Historians refer to this time period as â€Å"The Jazz Age†. When jazz music was introduced to the public at clubs and dance halls it took off! People were either captivated by it, or appalled by it. Jazz was all about movement; it was driven by syncopationRead MoreThe Horrors Of Slavery And Through Fiction, By Toni Morrison1941 Words  | 8 Pagesand the memory of an entire people. With this novel of a new genre, Toni Morrison delves into the horrors of slavery and through fiction, depicts the suffering and the lives of her ancestors. Yet far from being a documentary, the novel raises the question of amnesia in America regarding its own history. This is done through denouncing the excesses of a segregation system, abjection and rejection, which lasted for centuries. Even though Toni denounces the hurt, shame and pain, black people went throughRead MoreThe Emergence Of The United States As An Independent Country, And African American Literature Essay1769 Words  | 8 Pagespublished during crafts’ life time. Some speculate that this occurred because she did not have entry into the publishing world. The novel situates itself between slave narratives and the sentimental novel. A slave narrative was nothing but it was a genre of African – American lite rature that developed in the middle of the 19th century. Slave narrative, an account of the life, or a major portion of the life, of a fugitive or former slave, either written or orally related by the slave personally. SomeRead MoreBlack Naturalism and Toni Morrison: the Journey Away from Self-Love in the Bluest Eye8144 Words  | 33 Pagespostmodernism with its emphasis on race, class and gender, but the theory of naturalism as well: the idea that one s social and physical environments can drastically affect one s nature and potential for surviving and succeeding in this world. In this article, I will explore Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye from a naturalistic perspective; however, while doing so I will propose that because Morrison s novels are distinctly black and examine distinctly black issues, we must expand or deconstruct the traditionalRead MoreCivil Rights Essay1768 Words  | 8 PagesJim Crow regime was a major characteristic of American society in 1950s and had been so for over seven decades. Following slavery, it had become the new form of white domination, which insured that blacks would remain oppressed well into the twentieth century.†(Morris) Civil rights and segregation were the two main issues during the 1950’s and 1960’s. While the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was in progress the National Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) establishedRead MoreAfrican American Literature2022 Words  | 9 Pagesstates of the United States, Blacks have been really oppressed until the Civil War, with the big part being illiterate well into the end of 1800. In the northern states ,Blacks had a considerable greater freedom, and with the end of the Civil War, a new and educated African American social class emerged. African American literature was influenced by these factors, and it varied greatly but it always held undeniable similarities, circling the Black experience in America. The very first AfricanRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance, A Social, Cultural, And Artistic Movement1298 Words  | 6 PagesHarlem Renaissance was a social, cultural, and artistic movement that started in Harlem, New York during the 1920’s. Although it is generally considered to span from 1918 to the mid-1930, many of its ideas continue today. â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance was a phase of a larger New Negro movement that had emerged in the early 20th century and in some ways ushered in the civil rights movement of the late 1940’s and early 1950’s†(Thomas, 2017). â€Å"The social foundations of this movement included the Great MigrationRead MoreImportance Of Reading1188 Words  | 5 Pagesneeded to read the books to understand it and enjoy what I was reading. Mr. Garland picked out the first book, and then let us pick from a series of books for the next five books to come. The first book we read was called â€Å"The Bluest Eyes†by Toni Morrison. A s most people know this book is a classic, but at times can be confusing. We had to finish the whole book in two weeks. I thought that task would be nearly impossible, but Mr. Garland made it seem possible by letting us have time in class toRead MoreLiterature And The English Literature Essay1537 Words  | 7 Pagesmoved to New York City where he met Langston Hughes, whom became his mentor and Richard Wright who evolved his perception and past ways of thinking. His earliest published writings were reviews and stories in the politically radical New Masses magazine. (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2015) Ellison’s works began to surface late into the Harlem Renaissance Era. The Harlem Renaissance can formerly be described as a celebratory time for African Americas. Its era occurred in the 1920’s through the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Critically evaluate the policy network model Free Essay Example, 5000 words
This paper is trying to illustrate a network-of-problems as a determining factor resulting to what we call now as the policy network model. Moreover, we will be dealing on a policy model that is known to be one of the most influential models in these days in policy making. A policy network model by Rod Rhodes states that policy is prepared because of the interactions made between the pressure groups and the policy makers. What the network-of-problems try to substantiate is that, it is really essential for our society and government agencies to interact because the problems are also inter-related or there are corresponding consequences on the actions made by one of them to the other. In this case, we can expect too that solution can be best achieved through network of elucidation. NETWORK OF PROBLEMS: AN OVERVIEW OF POLICY NETWORK MODEL Introduction In our society today, there are many things in which we are trying to explain and identify why such things occurs. We also try to analyze situations or problems to come up with a solution that we thought to be a result of the observations. We will write a custom essay sample on Critically evaluate the policy network model or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Well, this is the essence of being an analysts - This give us the right to be coined as analysts because we try to explain everything based on the content and what the other had perceived it to be and eventually lead us to create our own unique perception on that issue also with of course basis. In this part, we will be dealing on a policy model that is known to be one of the most influential models in these days in policy making. A policy network model by Rod Rhodes states that policy is prepared because of the interactions made between the pressure groups and the policy makers. We will be dealing here on the criticisms or the flaws that this model is perceived to be inevitable of, we must look at the model’s capacity in policy making also to further understand why is it fallible in some areas and to know what are the things that it overlooked in its assumptions or in its context as a whole. Moreover, we have defined this model and identify what it does in policy making to have clearer view on the policy itself. This is for us to adequately identify the deficiencies of the mentioned model, if there is any. Or what would be its benefits or its logical explanation as an individual policy analyst. Policy Network Model As it were discussed and stated in the lecture presentation about policy analysis made by Dr. Adam White entitled ‘Theories of the Policy Process’, he identified there that a policy network model focus on policy subsystems.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Communication Path As A Culture And Society - 1219 Words
The communication path as a culture and society had led us to new methods of how people communicate daily. In today’s world, everyone is dealing with communication, whether it be done through texting, online, telephone or face to face. Technology has become such an influential aspect of our lives that many people depend on it. Although technology has helped improve communication, it has lowered our understanding of how words and pictures actually make a person feel. People around the world interact less directly because of social networking sites. I mainly use texting and online communication as part of an everyday interaction. Texting can be a way to express thoughts, information and maintain relationships all through the tips of fingers. My entire generation is known for texting as our way to communicate with others in a small amount of time. Texting is greatly convenient, but also inconvenient at the same time. This popular rising trend among all ages makes it easier, faste r, and discreet way to contact someone. Not only does it save time, but let someone express themselves better. Another advantage would be physical proof. The negative effect cell phones have is texting and driving. This big distraction puts a countless number of lives in danger. One simple message could cost their lives themselves or the lives of someone innocent. This disturbance does not allow a person to fully focus on a conversation or a class lecture. As cell phones improve, the percentage ofShow MoreRelated Culture in Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara Essays1141 Words  | 5 PagesCulture in Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara In the poem â€Å"Piano and Drums†the poet Gabriel Okara depicts and contrasts two different cultures through symbolism of pianos and drums. The Poem is divided into four stanzas. The first two stanzas represent the â€Å"drum†culture and the second two stanzas show the â€Å"piano†culture. The description of the drums is in two stanzas, but is one sentence long. The first line of the first stanza: ‘When at break of day at a riverside’ Uses trocheesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Deaf By Mark Drolsbaugh1616 Words  | 7 Pagesaged, he experienced a larger disconnect from the hearing world, resulting in an isolating feeling. Eventually Mark learned ASL and gradually let the Deaf culture become a bigger part of his life. As his involvement in the Deaf culture grew he found a comradery that he had never had before. Soon, he began to see the value that came from communication and relationships with others above all else. Mark mentions how his parents decided against teach him to sign when he was a child. This was because theyRead MoreWhy dialogue is needed in organization1700 Words  | 7 Pagestechniques it is method for problem-formulation and problem-solving technologies. Dialogue is essential for understanding culture and sub culture, for that instance organizational learning will probably depend upon such cultural understanding. Because of the high revolution seen in the technology and technological advancement its essential for an organization to accept the path of dialogue. There are many subunits had been formed in organization because of knowledge based information, geographiesRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Family Therapy1629 Words  | 7 Pagessociocultural influences on the problems of communication. This research includes twelve resources on authors with the following annotations: Delineation of the main focus or purpose of each author s work; Background and credibility of each author; Intended audience for the work; Any unique feature of the work; Theoretical understandings; Family therapy strategies or techniques; and a Conclusion or observations presented in the work. Communication in cultural diversity is one very importantRead MoreMy Career Goals For Students With Community Outreach Programs1067 Words  | 5 Pagesin teaching elementary k-6 and work in my community to improve awareness in developing partnership. I didn’t met the requirements to pursue a teaching a degree, therefore, I changed my degree path to interdisciplinary studies. My career goal is to foster new ideas through networking, continue my career path in teaching, and receive a Master’s in Education. Professional development is my concentration of study. My educational residency classes prepared me to use meta-cognition analysis, strategiesRead MoreDifferences Between Culture, Race, And Class1546 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will focus on the similarities and differences in cultures and how it relates to human resilience, struggles and faith. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the effects that culture, race, and class have on human behaviors and beliefs. The cross culture countries of analysis will be Guyana and Portugal which are situated at two opposite ends of the world. One major difference is Guyana, which is located in South America and Portugal in Southwestern Europe. Which makes this comparisonRead MoreCultural Values And Cultural Value Orientations1439 Words  | 6 PagesAs we become immersed in our own culture, it can be challenging to grasp the difference in cultural pattern taxonomies orientations of other cultures. Cultural pattern taxonomies has be en defined in the textbook, Communication between Cultures, â€Å"as the dominant beliefs and values of a culture.†Cultural value orientation varies among cultures and ultimately affects the way we communicate interpersonally. To better understand the differences as well as the similarities in cultural value orientationsRead MoreThe Full Scope Of Human Life871 Words  | 4 PagesCultural anthropology is the branch of anthropology that focuses on the cultural variations among humans and their communities. These four fields of study all aim to piece together the mosaic of human history and understand the path that humanity is taking. To understand the future path for humanity, there needs to be an understanding of the role humans have in the story of life. That understanding begins with discussing human origins. The field of physical anthropology primarily focuses on comprehendingRead MoreThe International House At Jacksonville State University1153 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Diversity? Diversity is the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. A great example of diversity is the International House at Jacksonville State University. Where 23 different nationalities, including the United States, live in a house and share day to day experiences and exchange cultures. Living at the international house is a great experience to mature and learn about the world. Diversity is a really strong word, it can be scary at first to experience itRead MoreAnalytical Essay On Fahrenheit 4511044 Words  | 5 PagesCensorship leads the society to an unpleasant conclusion. Censorship amounts prohibition of expression of someone’s ideas, thoughts which may be detrimental and prejudicial to a particular class of people. The book Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, revolves around the idea of censorship as a bane to the society and culture. The book touches on various consequences of censorship like social isolation and infringement of thoughts. Bradbury has given an accurate representation of the society leading to an end
The Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes - 1676 Words
Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness amongst African Americans; everything was new. The visual art, the jazz music, fashion and literature took a cultural spin. During this time writer Langston Hughes seemed to outshine the rest with amazing works. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African American culture. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary Renaissance, or the New Negro Movement. Many famous people began their writing or gained their recognition during this time. The Harlem Renaissance took place during the 1920’s and 1930’s. â€Å"This movement known collectively as the Harlem Renaissance†¦show more content†¦For example, â€Å"We†built the pyramids, and we have been around as long as these rivers. This poem is meant to be positive. It does not talk directly about racism or puts down the white race for being prej udiced. In the poem, â€Å"I, Too†he describes how he is also part of what America is. Even if he is sent to eat in the kitchen, he is as much a part of America as anyone else. It shows that one day he will not be made to hide and eat in the kitchen. One day people will see that African Americans are beautiful people, and will be ashamed of how they were treated. This poem gives hope to the black community. It makes them look forward to the day when equality will come and racism will end. â€Å"Too bad that the day has still not yet come in this century.†[5] In his poem, â€Å"Harlem†this issue is addressed. He wonders what happens to dreams that are postponed. He feels that how long one must still dream of something that seems like it will never come. The African American people have been waiting to be seen as equal for several years, yet it still seems as though it will not happen. In â€Å"The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,†a young Negro poe t said, â€Å"I want to be a poet-not a Negro poet.†[6] It also describes how many middle class blacks tried to be more like a â€Å"white†person. To disown their heritage in a way and become part of white America, which wasn’t right. He talks about how they should learn to appreciate their diversity and their culture. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes1033 Words  | 5 Pagescalled the Harlem Renaissance. After World War I, many blacks migrated from the south to up to the north to places like Chicago, Detroit and New York. The people in Harlem felt the racial pride and this caught the attention of many musicians, writers, and artist. The Harlem Renaissance period lasted from 1920 to around 1935. Even though this period was short, it still lives on though all African American artists today. According to Biography.com in the article about Langston Hughes, there wereRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1219 Words  | 5 PagesLangston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem renaissance is an artistic revolutionary period that took place between 1917 and 1937. This was after the First World War. Harlem was a district in New York. The Harlem renaissance impacted the social, cultural as well as artistic aspects of the black community. Many black people were encouraged to flee the southern sides where the caste system continued to oppress the black people. At this period, racial inequalities as well as other social injusticesRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes Essay1225 Words  | 5 Pages†- Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance took place in Harlem, New York during the 1920’s. The movement was an expression of African American culture across the Midwestern and Northeastern states of America, with Harlem being the heart of it. The Harlem Renaissance also left a lasting impression on black writers from the Caribbean and other African Colonies who immigrated to Paris. There were many artists of many different mediums that left a lasting impact of black culture, and Langston HughesRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1909 Words  | 8 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance was a social and cultural movement aimed to alter the conventional notion of â€Å"The Negro†and to expound on African American’s adversities through literature, music, and visual arts. After World War I, Harlem, New York became a central location for African Americans for greener pastures and racial equality. Large quantities of black writers, artists, and intellectuals emerged within the urban scene and played a pivotal role of defining the movement in their respective fieldsRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1736 Words  | 7 PagesAug 2017 The Dream Called Langston As an artist, or literature, music or visual art, there is power in creating pieces that move the masses. For an African American artist in the 1920’s, that power was fought for harder and dimmed due the racial inequalities across America. Being acknowledged as a credible artist was equated to being acknowledged as an American during a time where African American citizens were not considered an equal under the law. The Harlem Renaissance, spanning from the mid 1920’sRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1476 Words  | 6 Pages Langston Hughes, a Voice for the Taciturn Take a time machine back to one of the most culturally-rich times in history, the Modern Age. More specifically, set your destination to northern Manhattan in the early 20s. When you step onto those bustling streets, you’ll find yourself swept up in the Harlem Renaissance. The contemporary writers you are surrounded by are legends such as Langston Hughes and W. E. B. DuBois, and the contemporary musicians you may hear at a local nightclub include some ofRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes1703 Words  | 7 Pagesis a quote from a well-known poet by the name of Langston Hughes who served as a prominent figure in African American history and is known for maintaining a significant role in one of the most culturally influential periods for African Americans -The Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance describes a significant era in time where hundreds or artists, writers and musicians living in Harlem came together to form a vibrant, creative community. Hughes along with many other talented and innovative AfricanRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : Langston Hughes1145 Words  | 5 Pagesplace called Harlem and this is where it all started. Harlem became the training ground for blues and jazz and gave birth to a young generation of Negro Artist, who referred to themselves as the New Negro. The New Negro was the base for an epoch called the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance allowed for the materialization of the double consciousness of the Negro race as demonstrated by artists such as Langston Hughes. During the peak of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes created poetryRead MoreLangston Hughes : The Harlem Renaissance1151 Words  | 5 Pagesmass movement of people is called the Great Migration. One of the most popular places African Americans moved to was Harlem, New York. This city was a cultural and artistic polestar for people of color. It became known for the start of the African American cultural and artistic revolut ion known as the â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†. Out of the Renaissance came poet Langston Hughes. Hughes’ grandparents were abolitionists and worked to instill the same sense of justice into him, which can be seen in his writingsRead MoreAspects Of Langston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance755 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscrimination, the Harlem Renaissance was a time of emergence for African Americans artists. Several writers such as Langston Hughes emerged during this period. African American writers who emerged during the Harlem Renaissance were heroes to lower-class blacks living in Harlem. Langston Hughes was a household name amongst the lower-class during the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes’s poetry was strongly influenced by the Harlem Renaissance because of his love for the black masses. Hughes was determined to
Review How do you Motivate Employees
Question: Discuss about One more time: How do you motivate employees by Frederick Herzberg? Answer: The article being reviewed was written by the famous management writer Frederick Herzberg. Professor Herzberg was a distinguished professor at the University of Utah and was associated with the department of management studies. He was also a distinguished professor and the head of the department of psychology in the Western Reserves University in 1968, when this article was published (Herzberg, 1968). The article highlights the many strategies and policies that are designed, implemented and followed by the higher managements of various organizations so as to get what they want from their employees. The process of motivating an employee to perform his regular duties at the job is perhaps the most monotonous job that the management has to perform. The higher management of every organization is continuously in search of ways in which their employees can be motivated: there has been no well formulated permanent answer to this question as none of the strategies implemented so far has been able to provide a complete remedy to this problem. Until now innumerable theories, strategies and policies have been applied by organizations so as motivate their employees, some of these have even been successful to meet their purpose, but none of them provide the desired result in a long term basis. Professor Herzberg starts this article with the very same question that has been asked to him several times by the managements of various organizations, and also admits that the psychology that works behind entire process of the organizations trying to motivate their employees and the negative response of the employees towards all such attempts is indeed very complex. He sarcastically formulates the theory of KITA or the KICK IN THE ASS as the ultimate policy of moving an employee and making him do his job as and when required by the management. However, the author does not forget to make his point clear while formulating the theory of KITA: he expresses his firm belief that the primary aim of organizations is not to force their employees into doing things each and every time; instead the organizations should be looking at solutions which would be far more dignified a d wood actually generate a sense of responsibility and ownership towards the jobs that they perform. In the following sections the author describes some of the mythological strategies that are still employed by various organizations so as to motivate their employees into performing their own duties: strategies being reducing the number of hours an employee needs to be present at work, the various types of increments in payments, different reward systems implemented by the organizations and so on. However, Professor Herzberg is of the opinion that all the above mentioned strategies had been unsuccessful at motivating the employees due to a very basic reason: the management had been so far overlooking a prime factor, namely the dissatisfaction of the workers at the work place. In this context, the author also clearly states that although in our semantic languages the opposite of job satisfaction would be job dissatisfaction, yet in the real world the two words have a very different relationship. In the real world, the opposite of job satisfaction would be no job satisfaction and that of job dissatisfaction would be no job dissatisfaction. According to this theory, when researches are being conducted on this particular domain, the factors behind the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction of employees that are to be studied and analyzed need to be differentiated at first, as there exists no correlation in between these two factors. The author also uses a triangle of philosophie s in this context, which can be used in personnel management: the three sides of the triangle depicts some motivators factors which can be used so as to manipulate the employees I performing their job. The last section of the article is dedicated to the principles and strategies of job enrichment which has been developed by the incorporation of various strategies taken by organization that had actually been successful in motivating their employees. One of these principles is known as job loading. According to the author, job loading can be differentiated into two types; the horizontal job loading and the vertical job loading. While the vertical job loading is associated with providing motivator factors to the employee, the horizontal job loading mainly increases the target of the employee instead of giving them scopes for growth. An enterprise which has been successful in motivating its employees must put in a right mix of these two sets of job overloading for achieving the success. Lastly, the author suggests the steps that should be ideally implemented by an organization so as to enrich the jobs and motivate the employees in performing those. References: Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees?Harvard Business Review, (September-October 1987). Retrieved from https://synchronit.com/downloads/freebooks/herzberg.pdf
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effectiveness Of The Evaluation Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theEffectiveness Of The Evaluation. Answer: Introduction At the end of each of the teaching session, learners are expected to have understood certain concepts. As such to check on the learners understanding of the students on the various concepts the instructor uses the evaluation tools. The assessment tools are very vital as they measure the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. (Arends, 2014). One should come up with a good evaluation to efficiently gauge the students understanding as well as the quality of the learning process. In this work, we will explore the effectiveness of the assessment tools in the three teaching session that I evaluated on adult learning sessions for level five. Effectiveness Of The Evaluation Tools In Meeting The Expected Outcome In this learning session, there were various expected out comes in each of the three learning sessions. One of the expected outcomes of the learning session is the students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge that they have learned from evaluation. The students should also be able to describe various assessment methods as well as state the goals of the evaluation process. By the end of the second learning session, the student should be able to implement various assessment methods. The students should also be able to analyze at least two tools that can be used in the evaluation of a learning session. In the third learning session, the students should be able to review the effectiveness of various assessment tools. In examining whether the students achieved the above outcomes, we used a variety of assessment tools. The evaluation tools include rubrics, review and reflection tools as well as the graphic organizer tools. In evaluating the three learning sessions, (Zepeda, 2016).I used the review and reflection tools to examine the student understating as well as the quality of the teaching session. The students to document their views on the session of instruction as well as the points they did not understand in the session. The evaluation tool was useful as it was cheap and it helped in understand each learner's weaknesses as well as strengths and the sections that needed remedial teaching. The evaluation troll helped in putting across the problems in the session of instruction that would assist in coming up with strategies to meet the expected outcomes efficiently. The assessment tool was efficient as it helped in efficiently measuring the outcome of all three learning sessions. However, the ev aluation tool led to the development of a lot of information on the learning session since the students had different views and it was open-ended. Improvement Of The Tools One of the ways to improve the evaluation tool is giving the students a more precise essay to examine their understanding. It is because the evaluation tool that was used brought about a lot of information, as it was a general question. Some of the students put across that they did not understand the question as it was very general. Therefore in the subsequent teaching session, the tool that will be developed will put across a more clear and precise question. References: Arends, R. (2014). Learning to teach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Mertens, D. M. (2014). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage publications. Smith, M. L., Glass, G. V. (1987). Research and evaluation in education and the social sciences. Prentice Hall. Zepeda, S. J. (2016). Instructional supervision: Applying tools and concepts. Taylor Francis.
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