Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Energy Of Electric Powered Vehicles - 1540 Words
1.0 Environmental. Electricity. Electric powered vehicles are approximately 90 percent more efficient than those using fossil fuels, which is the primary reason that it is nearly always cheaper to drive a mile using electricity as a fuel rather than gasoline . One challenge concerning electric powered vehicles is that the batteries are both heavy and expensive. As technology and adaptation progress, however, it is anticipated that AA that are fully or partially powered by electricity would be able to travel the same range using batteries that are smaller, and thus, cheaper. As a result of the improved drive cycles and decreased traffic congestion, the use of electric powered AA would further allow for using smaller and lighter batteries. This would reduce the overall cost for consumers, and hasten the adoption of conventionally sized electrified vehicles. Smaller batteries would also reduce life-cycle environmental impacts from producing electric vehicle batteries, as well as reduce their environmental impacts at t he end of their useful life. Electric vehicles charged by low-carbon electricity have the potential to dramatically lower the level of GHG emissions, oil use, and conventional air pollutants. Moreover, AA can be programmed to drive in a way that is fuel efficient so that by programming travel speeds, accelerations, and even mapping out optimal travel routes AA can be programmed to reduce power consumption. Ethanol. Ethanol (E85), ethyl alcohol, has a potential toShow MoreRelatedElectric Versus Gasoline Powered Vehicles752 Words  | 4 PagesElectric Versus Gasoline Powered Vehicles Every year we hear about electric cars more and more, and understandably so. With the rising cost of gasoline, and environmental concerns among others, it is not surprising that people would want more energy efficient vehicles. 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